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greenlane from hell (wiltshire)


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I have some sympathy for Mudmad on this one and reckon that map extract should be removed as it really does stink of double standards. Does anyone actually know about the condition of Hells lane? Most of the ORPAs round here are in worse condition than the byways.

I think if we are honest the majority of us have at some point tried to drive a lane, known to be challenging, in inappropriate conditions, just for the fun of it. We may even have sustained some damage! The difference is that we have been around the scene long enough to know that posting such exploits on an open forum is tabu. No arguements. His mistake was not to know this and rather than have it pointed out to him in a mature way, a few people chose to rant off with a few provocative comments. Since then all his posts have been defensive and others have bated him further. Now someone posts an unknown lane with a challenging name that we know nothing about and thats OK? In my books this is double standards too. In fact it stinks....

Grow up the lot of you

Sound comment, well put and true and seconded by me.

Points to be noted:

As OF says anyone on here who 'lanes regularly will be guilty of maybe just pushing it a bit far once or twice, it's just that 'old hands' at laning know how any and all potential bad publicity is turned against the 4x4/2x1 movement.

GB Mud knows more about Wiltshire lanes than most, his attitiude to laning in general is as solid as it is possible to get - in my book his decision is final as both Mod and Laner.

No information on the whereabouts of lanes should be published on an open forum in my book - that's speaking as an ex RoW for Glass.

All Dorset lanes information is available through FoDRoW - an excellent organisation. I have driven Hell Lane and am happy to discuss it via PM with others

The use of aggressive tyres and 'lockers on a greenlane is completely unnessessary. If you need more than a set of MT's and a bit of nonce then what the hell are you doing there anyway? Walking a green lane first is mandatory if you suspect it is more than a hard track

Bitching at each other over subjects like this is part of the reason we lost so many lanes, doing it on a public forum that is on the Ramblers 'Watch List' is about as stupid as it gets. A quite off forum chat with a less than experienced but keen forumeer would have sorted all this.

Despite my loathing of all the 'locking' going on at the moemt, this thread should be locked and thrown away, quickly and quietly

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I am not usually known for getting in the middle of arguments here, it's usually more fun to watch from the sidelines ;) . However, I do agree with Mudman and OgasmicFarmer regarding the apparent double standards on disallowing the details of one lane to be published, then allowing a detailed map of another.

However, I do believe that the way Mudman wrote his initial post may have caused more problems than he was expecting. When I read it the first time (and all subequent times), it did appear that he was boasting about what he had done - not that he was, it's just the way it read.

My 2p.


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I think that everything that needs to be said has been said here. We will never all agree. I have posted some new rules at the top of this forum, please take time to look at them. I do not propose to spend any more of my day going back and enforcing them retrospectively, like it or lump it.

Consider this topic closed.



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