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Muddy Truckers Trophy March 13th-15th 2009

Dave W

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You've obviously never organised an event before....

Sadly we're not in a position to pluck a date out of the air and then tell the land owners we have to have that date, strangely the land owners have their own view as to when the land is available and when it is not. Decent land is difficult enough to get hold of as it is without ruling out a chunk of it because it's not available on the weekend you want. The reason for the delay in announcing a date was because we were still negotiating with the land owners. We have a very small window of opportunity for the event as much of the land we are using this year gets most of it's revenue from shooting. We have to run the event in the window of time between the pens being made ready and the chicks being introduced, the game keeper is the guy who pretty much decides which weekend we can run the event as it's his job on the line if our event effects the revenue from the shooting.

It's an unfortunate clash but given the alternative - not running an MT in 2009, I'd rather we clashed dates than not run at all. AWDC know there is a clash of dates but haven't felt it necessary/possible to move their event either. They did manage to avoid a clash with an event in Germany somewhere that one of the organisers wanted to attend so maybe there is still room on their part. AFAIK they haven't announced a venue yet either, maybe they will find the venue they want isn't available that weekend and have to move... imagine if that happened after we cancelled MT to avoid them !

Sadly, our hands are pretty much tied in this case.

they do have a site and it is available to them and booked so i cant see it moving.

Nick and I were hoping to do MTs this year and same as Adrian we thought that it would fit in its obviously not going to. it was our first year with AWDC last season so we are keen to progress this year so wont be missing any rounds just cant believe that its the same weekend.

i find it difficult to plan anything when dates keep changing, sometimes its hard to avoid clashes though

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As James says we have a site booked as well as an appropriate recce weekend.

As our dates are now published in the club magazine as well as a number of forums I am not going to keep changing things and messing people around.

If you think organising an event is a pain, try organising an 8 round series.

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You've obviously never organised an event before....

It's an unfortunate clash but given the alternative - not running an MT in 2009, I'd rather we clashed dates than not run at all. AWDC know there is a clash of dates but haven't felt it necessary/possible to move their event either. They did manage to avoid a clash with an event in Germany somewhere that one of the organisers wanted to attend so maybe there is still room on their part. AFAIK they haven't announced a venue yet either, maybe they will find the venue they want isn't available that weekend and have to move... imagine if that happened after we cancelled MT to avoid them !

Sadly, our hands are pretty much tied in this case.

Funny you go on about the awdc MOVING there date as somebody wanted to go to another event in Germany, at least they did not cancel the event, but did Muddy Truckers not get cancelled last year so that the organiser's could go to Aus for an event!

Your right i have never organised an event, all you guy's out there that do i take my hat of to you all.

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You've obviously never organised an event before....

Sadly we're not in a position to pluck a date out of the air and then tell the land owners we have to have that date, strangely the land owners have their own view as to when the land is available and when it is not. Decent land is difficult enough to get hold of as it is without ruling out a chunk of it because it's not available on the weekend you want. The reason for the delay in announcing a date was because we were still negotiating with the land owners. We have a very small window of opportunity for the event as much of the land we are using this year gets most of it's revenue from shooting. We have to run the event in the window of time between the pens being made ready and the chicks being introduced, the game keeper is the guy who pretty much decides which weekend we can run the event as it's his job on the line if our event effects the revenue from the shooting.

It's an unfortunate clash but given the alternative - not running an MT in 2009, I'd rather we clashed dates than not run at all. AWDC know there is a clash of dates but haven't felt it necessary/possible to move their event either. They did manage to avoid a clash with an event in Germany somewhere that one of the organisers wanted to attend so maybe there is still room on their part. AFAIK they haven't announced a venue yet either, maybe they will find the venue they want isn't available that weekend and have to move... imagine if that happened after we cancelled MT to avoid them !

Sadly, our hands are pretty much tied in this case.

I think someone's pulling your leg! Shooting season finishes 31st January and breading season for the Pheasant and partrige starts in April. ;)

Anyway im looking forward to this one, Co-driving for Jim and we got ourselves a good team mate :)

Its a shame it clashes with the AWDC series, maybe next year someone could start up a website listing the dates of all challenge events so it could be avoided in future.

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maybe next year someone could start up a website listing the dates of all challenge events so it could be avoided in future.

There was such a thing a few years back , A site just with challenge dates and venues ,but I think it went by the by and didnt get updated much .

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There was such a thing a few years back , A site just with challenge dates and venues ,but I think it went by the by and didnt get updated much .

Funnily enough that was started by me to try and avoid clashes.

Unfortunately as Forums became more popular info tended to be posted on them rather than sent through for inclusion in the calendar.

It was assumed that I would 'hunt out' the details rather than be send it which I don't have time to do.

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  • 1 month later...


The MT has moved a week after agreeing a change in dates between us and another event being organised on the main site.

It will now take place from 20th-22nd March 2009

Entry forms are now available on the event web site along with the event regs.


If a mod could edit the subject to the correct dates ?

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