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Optima Yellow Tops


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Currently running two Optima yellow tops and a Gensis split charging system in the 110 both are about 3 years old

Is there a simple way of testing optima batteries to see if they are both good?

Have had a few issues with set up in last few months and am uncertain of the root problem. Sometimes the auxillary battery goes low and will not charge unless I put jump leads from main battery on to the auxilary battery. The split charge system just goes into a loop around its start cycle charging main battery charge auxilary for 10 seconds then back to start sequence. Cycle takes about 2 minutes..

Problem seems to be when auxilary battery drops below 12v

Sometimes the Split charge system just freezes and indicates 0 and ?

The negative lead has vibrated loose on main battery occassionly due to the corrugations here in Australia

So is it the batteries or the split system the main problems

If batteries what replacements would be recommended for a 110 overland vehice



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I'd suspect the split charge system &/or it's connections,

have you swapped the battery duties over since fitting, i.e. make the current auxilary battery the start battery & vice versa, that would give the aux battery the normal alternator charge as opposed to it getting the charge via the split charge unit.

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Yes I have swop the low charge auxilary battery into the starter battery position. Used the battery assist mode to start off the now fully charged auxilary battery. After 15+ minutes running the low main battery becomes fully charged and the charging system seems to work fine. Have done thisseveral times in last 6 months

All the obvious connections seem fine but the corrugations here can cause all sorts of problems so do not rule out the main charging system having a dry joint/loose connection in it.

Or is there a glitch in the software where it can not cope with a low battery in auxilary position? The main battery charge state is certainly protected



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WRT the loose connections, there are replacement battery terminals that have an extra grippy strip around them to aid in terminal security. I don't know whether Optima batteries have removable terminal posts, but it might be worth looking into if this is a recurring problem.

Can't help with the split charge issues, I'm afraid - it's all smoke and mirrors this electrikery stuff!! :huh:

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Have you tried X-eng Numax batteries ??

Shipping to Australia might scotch that idea :D

Brendan, why not try a VSR voltage sensitive relay, there made in New Zealand by BEP Marine so probably available locally in Australia.

UK supplier here - http://www.power-store.com/view-item.asp?i...amp;id=196&

Also be aware that batteries do not charge in extreme heat conditions say 40 degrees c +.

Could this be your problem?

Chris at BOAB has experience of this, which is why he sells his remote area battery charger see here -



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I used to have a Genesis system in my Defender. It worked well for several years, but then started to play up too. I replaced it with a National Luna system, which is one of the best known and liked systems here.

Several people have been talking of this Australian product, very similar with a couple of extra features and it seems a good well thought of product. Since it's local to your present whereabouts, it might help you :

Redarc dual battery controller

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Another thought, I did have a similar problem recently, with the dual charge solenoid not triggering and hence failing to charge the 2nd battery correctly all the time. I checked by putting a 3 stage mains charger onto the primary battery and, once the primary was charged reasonably, the dual system triggered and fully charged both batteries, no problem. This was repeatable. The regulator on the alternator was changed (and it needed changing !) but made no difference.

A new (overhauled) alternator cured it. The old alternator is still on the bench awaiting overhaul and diagnostics, but suspected field coil insulation failure in the stator, due, also, to heavy corrugations in the roads we have here too, which, as you say, are very destructive. Especially to leaf springs for those unfortunates that still have them. But alternator failure is fairly common here, more often bearing failure, but electrical failure isn't exactly rare.

I also have twin Optima yellow tops. They do draw quite heavy charge currents when they need it. I suspect the failing alternator was suffering from a voltage drop when the charge demand was high, because it could no longer supply what was asked of it and confusing the dual charge system so that it didn't trigger a lot of the time. This still resulted in the primary battery getting a charge.

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