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I'm not saying the product in the link works or is best value but to the general question of do chips work then yes.

When LR made your vehicle they did not know if it was going to turn left out of the gates and head for Alaska or right and head for the Sahara. As a result they have programmed the engine management to deal with both. This is of course a compromise along with the need for the engine to be sufficiently protected so that it has reasonable longevity.

A chip will remove those extremes and focus on what you now want which is more power, more revs, and all in a relatively benign UK climate.


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A chip will remove those extremes and focus on what you now want which is more power, more revs, and all in a relatively benign UK climate.


But I'm not in the UK... :rolleyes:


I know they work, but this does seem very expensive compared to prices

for diseasel tuning chips.

It is tempting, but is it worth the money? Anyone got one and can give a

product review?

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For less money you could drop in a complete MS'n'EDIS setup and be able to tune & re-tune to your hearts content rather than being stuck with whatever Mark Adams thinks is closest for a random 4.6.

Don't get me wrong, the chap knows his stuff, but a one-for-all tune isn't the same as something tuned to your engine in your car. Only headache could be the P38 alarm, depends how tied in to the GEMS system it is really.

Edited to add: Chips do work because they lose a fair bit of the "worst case" stuff the manufacturers tune for on the grounds that if you're spending the cash on a go-faster chip you're less worried about other factors.

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I have used Mark Adams on 2 of my vehicles and would highly recommend him. I did however have my vehicles set up on a rolling road and Mark programmed the chip to my vehicles. I would give him a ring and have a chat with him he is a very helpful bloke and wont try to sell you something that is going to be no good for you. In my experience you will get better performance from your standard gearbox mode after the chip than you get from the sport mode now and some improvement in fuel consuption. I regularly get over 20mpg from my 4.6 on cross country Scottish A road and I dont drive it gently.

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How much & for 'around' 10-15 bhp gain.

Difficult to not be able to defend such a low improvement on power. But as we all know there are limits to remaps on petrol engines without turbos etc.

I say spend it on a louder exhaust as that will make it feel faster. You just wont notice 10-15 extra horses on an auto weighing as much as a Range rover

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Total cost was about £1000 including the rolling road about 5 years ago. While Mark was doing the chip he was able to adjust things like engine braking to what I wanted so on my off roader I had the engine revs drop off very quickly for better braking but the road motor drops off slower to make it smoother to drive. As I said before give Mark a call and discuss what you want.

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