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expeditions? how much and whats needed?


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Hi Sam,

Jon W mentioned me above - can't recommend http://www.odysseyoverland.co.uk/ enough. Not sure what the total cost came to as I wasn't counting, just enjoying some really spectacular places all the way from London to Singapore. I carried on to Australia and spent 6 weeks doing the east coast in a campervan, then 2 weeks on another group trip to Alice Springs, and I've just finished a month long trip round New Zealand with http://www.flyingkiwi.com/. Now pretty broke but have decided to stay in NZ for 6 months or so and work to save some more money and then get a car and go off exploring on my own as I don't think I've seen enough of the place yet.

To be honest I enjoyed the trips as part of a big group far more than doing it myself in the campervan - you go to places you wouldn't know about otherwise, someone else does all the fiddly stuff (although I can recommend http://www.travcour.com/ for sorting out Visas as that's who Odyssey use), local guides give you a far better insight to a place, and you have a wicked time with a large group of people (so you don't get fed up with the same people all the time!).

Just throwing that in as another option - there are loads of overland companies (I met people along the way with EOE and Dragoman, there's plenty of others too) that do trips through Africa if that's where you want to go. I chose that option as I knew I wasn't ready to tackle the world on my own, and I enjoyed it so much I'm planning to do South America and Africa on a truck at some point too. Also want to drive myself to the Arctic Circle, Morocco and maybe Mongolia at some point too but I think that's more about the challenge of getting there rather than just enjoying the places on the way.

You'll have fun whatever you do


PS. Going on a truck really makes you realise what you actually need - we only had 2wd and no winch but got to some really amazing places. Had loads of spares on board (but that's the beauty of having a 15t truck), the only thing that broke was a leaf spring I think. Got stuck twice but managed to use sand mats and a lot of pushing once, and our guide went off and found another truck the other time. Important stuff is a good stereo and loads of music, a camera (and a way of storing photos, I ended up buying a laptop but I take loads of pics) and a fridge for the beer!

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If you get to the africa overland website , read some of the other vehicles used . including the guy who drove a Rolls Silver spur from Cape town To europe .

To some extent you will decide how hard to make it for your vehicle, or for yourself . You could do it in a series , or a Vogue . From ny experience and it would appear by preponderance of choice . The best choice would be a 110 with a 300tdi. , based on cost/effectiveness/comfort etc . The biggest safety factor/requirement is money , this allows for a better start point eg well prepd vehicle, better equipment , therefore less stress, and a quicker /possible fix when things go pear shaped. JMHO

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hi all..

iv been thinking about this for a few months now.. i finish college next june.. and i really want to do a expedition from uk to egypt and then onto cape town..

be for i will need to go a harvest.. but most harvests iv been earning £5-6000 but im epecting i will be needing alot more then that?

if anyone has done it what will be needed and what sort off budget will i need for it? also visa's? do i need to visas for each contry will be crossing or for just some places? and how long do they ususaly take.. i know you can spend how ever long in easth place as you wont?

will a 200tdi 90 be up for the job or willl i bee needing 110? im sticking to 200tdi i know them off the back of my hand now and there a bloody good engine..

and will my truck have to notifyed by anyone? is there any laws on how long will be allowed to stya in each contry withough beeing registerd (if there is such thing in most places)

iv been following the globle discovery in the lro (i think) thats been giving me rough ideas on most things..

cheers sam

I guess you're not studying English then.... :rolleyes:

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