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Sorry for swearing ..

Mean Green

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Hi guys, sorry to pollute this forum with such filth. I cant find a decent Jeep forum to ask the question so I thought someone here might know.

At work we have just added a 1999 2.5td Jeep Cherokee to our fleet and it scares the hell out of me!! It is so tail happy it is unreal. The back end steps out even at low speeds

Can anyone let me if it is ok to run permenantly in 4H rather and two wheel drive? (and is this likely to help)


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Can anyone let me if it is ok to run permenantly in 4H rather and two wheel drive? (and is this likely to help)


no, the transfer box acts like a series box and doesnt have a centre diff. In 4H you will get transmission wind up and damage it driving on the road. You'll also have horrible handling as the tyres skip around corners trying to maintain the same speed.

If its really tail happy, as TC says check the tyre pressures. Also make sure the rear dampers work. Could be your back end is going 'BOING, BOING, BOING'.

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I used to own one (don't generally admit it though!). It's a feature! It's caused by the limited slip rear diff mostly.

The only solution is to be ready to pull the magic 4wd lever which you can do while moving. It's saved me on a few slippy roundabouts where it's started to spin out. Pull the lever and the amount of oversteer dramatically reduces.

I admit it's better if you don't get in to that situation in the first place - but they are very prone to sudden oversteer - which can be exciting even if you are half expecting it!


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