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TD5 Immobiliser Help!

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Can anyone help me, my immobiliser keeps coming on when I park up (which I now understand it should do) but doesn't turn off without some serious messing around (turn on, turn off, remove key, open door, close door, turn on, turn off, remove key, turn on, turn off, open door, remove key etc etc etc) and then for no real reason it will turn itself off and let me start.

I've tried replacing the battery in the key fob with no benefit so is there something else that I can do??

I've looked in my trusty haynes and there's no mention of immobiliser!!

Thanks in advance!

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Do you have the key fob (2 button plipper) on the same ring as the key.

There is a "passive coil" around the ignition barrel and connected to the alarm ECU, it detects the fob to de-activate the immobiser but it's range is very limited, only a couple of inches or so.

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Do you have the key fob (2 button plipper) on the same ring as the key.

There is a "passive coil" around the ignition barrel and connected to the alarm ECU, it detects the fob to de-activate the immobiser but it's range is very limited, only a couple of inches or so.

yes so perhaps I should put a brand new battery in to the key fob as opposed to one out of the wifes kitchen scales, is there any harm in taping the key fob to the ignition barrell?

(I never use the alarm)

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I'm not entirely sure if the condition of the key fob battery is too important so long as the transponder inside the fob is OK, in any case if SWMBO's scales were working before you pinched the battery, it should be good enough for the fob anyway.

"...... is there any harm in taping the key fob to the ignition barrell?"

Having the fob on the keyring is normally good enough, but I dont see why you couldn't tape it to the barrel - or tuck it away inside the casing. Makes the immobiliser a bit redundant though.

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ok so the new battery in the key fob hasn't helped..... any other thoughts?

BTW I live up a mountain in a village with less than 750 residents in a country with a very low crime rate (Ie french alps) so really not worried about the alarm and/or immobilier not working

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Have you got electric windows and central locking??

Or if you wanted to go down another route to avoid fixing the problem...

Not a problem to remove the immo if you wanted to but I would need your engine ECU and you'd need to make a small wiring modification on the Defender itself.


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Have you got electric windows and central locking??

Or if you wanted to go down another route to avoid fixing the problem...

Not a problem to remove the immo if you wanted to but I would need your engine ECU and you'd need to make a small wiring modification on the Defender itself.


Greetings, new on this site [well in terms of submitting a post anyway].. I'm really interested in disabling the immob on my TD5 130. Only problem is I live in Southern Africa... everyone I've contacted here say its impossible to disconnect... I really dont want it - I never use it and I know it will fail or I'll lose the blipper sometime when I'm deep in the bush and really far from any stealers. What to do? Is this something that can be handled from here with instructions? Possibly one of the landy garages here can learn how to do it.

Cheers, Matt

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No manual windows and manual locking!

Marcellus, you say your manual dosnt mention the immobiliser... I have a manual which I downloaded for free for the TD5. It has pages and pages on the immobiliser with all sorts of tests and sequences to follow to sort out various problems. I can try to give you the link to this or attach the pages if you want. But my email is veeery slow so it might be better for you to search for a better manual somewhere else on this forum...?


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Greetings, new on this site [well in terms of submitting a post anyway].. I'm really interested in disabling the immob on my TD5 130. Only problem is I live in Southern Africa... everyone I've contacted here say its impossible to disconnect... I really dont want it - I never use it and I know it will fail or I'll lose the blipper sometime when I'm deep in the bush and really far from any stealers. What to do? Is this something that can be handled from here with instructions? Possibly one of the landy garages here can learn how to do it.

Cheers, Matt

If the alarm setup is changed so the vehicle thinks it is a non-alarm non-immob vehicle, the alarm ECU will send an "ok" signal to the engine whenever it powers up so you can bin the remotes. All non-alarm Td5 vehicles have an alarm ECU fitted it is just set to this "dumb" mode - you can't just disconnect it but this effectively disables the system.

From memory I think you can change it in Testbook but its an awful long time since I fiddled with one (most people here had the good sense to buy 300Tdis right up to the end, and the handful of Td5s here are mostly non-alarm from the factory) so I don't remember the specifics.

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Greetings, new on this site [well in terms of submitting a post anyway].. I'm really interested in disabling the immob on my TD5 130. Only problem is I live in Southern Africa... everyone I've contacted here say its impossible to disconnect... I really dont want it - I never use it and I know it will fail or I'll lose the blipper sometime when I'm deep in the bush and really far from any stealers. What to do? Is this something that can be handled from here with instructions? Possibly one of the landy garages here can learn how to do it.

Cheers, Matt

Matt I was saying No I had manual windows and manual locking......... not that I didn't have a manual to read!!

I'll try a search and see what I can download (I don't actually have a manual to read but that wasn't what I meant)!!

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