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OT: Maine Mud Drags


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I'm currently living in Rockport, Maine, where I'm struggling without my monthly dose of off roading. So I decided to drive inland for an hour or so to Pittston Fairground, where a round of the Maine Mud Bog Association's mud drags series was taking place...

The event itself was pretty dull, one car at a time running a 200ft bog about a foot and a half deep of clay, with average times for 'stock' class motors at around 6 seconds.. The interest came when the 'unlimited' class came out to play. Man these things were quick, and loud! Biggggg V8's running nitrous with straight through exhausts... The runs were around 2-3.5 sec long, and the acceleration was unreal! Mainly RWD tube frames with truck 'skins', there was however one super unlimited- a 4wd tube buggy...

I left after a couple of hours, it all got a bit samey, but here's a few pics and a link to more.

This one was running NOS and putting out about 1500bhp...


Grand Cherokee held it's own in 'stock' class:




Super unlimited - 4WD, 2800bhp with NOS...


Airborne! 0.00005 seconds later he demolished the timing equipment.


The rest of the pics are here:



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It would be fun at Kirton, as long as they ran side by side! These were going one at a time, I think cos they didn't have enough timing gear, and it was a bit boring. Plus each run was over in a blink of an eye. It was worth it for the noise of the engines though!

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