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DVLA being efficient?

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About 6 weeks ago I sent the V5 off for my project to be updated with the new engine size and number. I had a reply a few weeks ago asking for proof of some kind of the new engine number and size. I sent an engineers report back stating all the relevant details.

Didn't hear anything, until last week - new V5 arrived. I groaned when I saw that they hadn't changed the engine number or size.

Anyhow...I spoke to the lady who had been writing to me today. Turns out the paperwork for the new engine was taking a while and she was concerned that the stub of V5 I had for the vehicle was about to expire. So she issued me with a 'new' one while they deal with the new engine.

A corrected one should be with me shortly.....

I was quite surprised to say the least.....

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Yes, I was surprised by that too. I figured it is a vehicle that hasn't been on the road for a while ('99 I think) with no current MOT or tax - they may have thought it was a little fishy.

I didn't exactly go out of my way to provide proof - just wrote myself an engineers report. She seemed happy enough when I spoke to her.

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That's great, except why would/should they need proof of the new engine size & number?

If you look at the dvla they now require proof. It is related to the new tax bands so that if engines are changed the tax band is also changed. Why they need to do the check on earlier vehicles is beyond me

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I thought the new tax bands were all done on CO2 emissions which an engineers report isn't going to tell you anyway. Plus of course on an older vehicle if it's over a certain CC then the tax band won't change whether you drop in a TDi, a V8, or a Merlin.

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May need the springs uprating a bit. ;) I wonder what transmission one would need? :unsure:

Just the one gear to get you up to speed and straight through that drystone wall, its not like you'd be driving it out! :lol:

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