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disco 300 tdi charging prob

old leafer

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ok i have a 300 tdi and in the mornings it suffers from a flat battary but if i do high milage it lasts a week befor it goes flat

today i noticed that when my lights were on they went bright then dim i think this is the alt working intermitantly

am i right before i spend my money on an alt

any advice would be very apreciated

regards mark

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From your observation about the lights going bright and dim I would tend to agree its the alternator. Shove a meter on it and see what the voltage is - should be 14V plus with the engine running and then whack a load of stuff on (heated window, main beam and fan on full are a good load) and see what it does - it usually drops a bit but should be still 13.something probably over 13.5V.

It might be a dud battery too - discharging internally - but as said if you charge it up and see what happens that would be the best bet. If the alt regulator goes tits up it can also drain a fair amount out of the battery when the engine is stopped.

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