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Stanage edge


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Hi all..

Once the 90 is done in a couple weeks time.. I would like to have a go at Stanage Edge in the Peak disctrict.

I have only been laning once (Day trip at x-mas 07 in series rovers) so have never drove on a green lane although have plenty of offroad experience. I do appreciate the fac thowever of looking after greenlanes.

The plan is to sometime late September to go and do Stanage edge (Making a day of it) and tackling other nearby lanes, Main reason for doing this is for some quality photos and to get out and experience lanes before they are all banned to us 4x4 drivers.

As me and my mate have never been up there before it would be nice to try and get a few people from the forum to come with us. Specially people who know the lanes around there? Would be nice to make a day of it and get some decent photos and even better to share the day with other Land Rover folk.. Unlike some people on other forums I am not fussed what motors turn up whether they are Discoveries, Defenders, Series or Jap motors!. Its a free world and everyone can drive what they please :D.

Would anyone be interested?.

Like I said, I dont know my way round so would need someone to help organise the event regarding meeting places, Group numbers etc.

Thanks.. Matt

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Sadly there is some trouble brewing on Stanage edge.

Here is a post from the GLASS forum from the Derbyshire rep:

I was contacted by the police today - this time about off-piste activity at Stanage Edge.

Apparently officials from Natural England visited the Long Causeway today and were extremely concerned (to put it mildly) to find that idiotic motorists have been departing from the main track to go mud plugging alongside the road on a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) which houses a rare form of wildlife (a type of vole). These animals' habitat has been badly damaged by these illegal activities, and the police and the authorities are taking the incident extremely seriously.

There is likely to be very adverse press coverage of 4x4 "off-roading" due to this, as well as increased police focus, and I fervently hope that it wasn't GLASS members or PDVUG members that were involved.

These people are spoiling it for the rest of us - please spread the word that off-piste driving is NOT acceptable. In this case unless the miscreants are caught and stopped from doing it, it may well affect the long term prospects for recreational vehicle use of the Long Causeway. If anyone has heard who was responsible for this, or saw anything over the weekend - please contact me at derbyshire.rep@glass-uk.org

Yours disgustedly

Careful who you invite and how you drive it.

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Alexander... is is this the mud at the bottom of stanage edge, or the tracks at the top?

the area at the bottom has been repaired and you are unable to drive onto this anymore.

The area at the top... well no standard vehicle would be able to get through it, so your looking at people with a pretty serious offroader to even dare going on those...

TBH Stanage edge is easy, i DO NOT understand how people manage to scrap so many rocks on the way down, and WHY do people have spotters? are you people BLIND!!!!

Stanage edge is a mild to easy greenlane, i dont understand the hype.

Matt, ill be out soon as the 90 is fixed as you already know!

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I drove up Stanage Edge a couple of years ago with no real problems. I was last there in November and found that the conditions had deteriorated considerably from water erosion. The group I was travelling with gave it a shot, but the lead vehicle got hung up on its rear diff at the interesting part. Given the time of day and receding daylight we opted to turn around and leave it that day.

It's certainly a route that I'd not recommend to do on your own.

The same can be said for Chapel Gate. In the wet it can get very muddy on the initial descent. It's also very easy for people to get stuck with all four wheels off the ground.

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I drove up Stanage Edge a couple of years ago with no real problems. I was last there in November and found that the conditions had deteriorated considerably from water erosion. The group I was travelling with gave it a shot, but the lead vehicle got hung up on its rear diff at the interesting part. Given the time of day and receding daylight we opted to turn around and leave it that day.

It's certainly a route that I'd not recommend to do on your own.

The same can be said for Chapel Gate. In the wet it can get very muddy on the initial descent. It's also very easy for people to get stuck with all four wheels off the ground.

Have to agree with you Rich about chapel gate not one to be done by your self.

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