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Twin Voltmeters?


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to all the above...

How do you supply a link for a document which is only stored on your computer? So excuse me for copying and pasting to show a option that is available.

All I have supplied is a description of a product which is designed to do the job of what your trying to do the hard way.

I have not stated where to buy it from, at the end of the day it is the customers choice where they buy it from all I did was supply the retail price incase you did intend to buy it and get caught out by some charging over the odd's.

Sorry for trying to help people out.


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Spamming product info on an unbiased independent forum, when you are affillated (by email address at the least!) to a supplier of said product and have links to their site in your signature smells rather like commercial spam, to me, which is against the forum charter....

Having seen how they are put together I wouldn't go near anything National Lunar make.

Neither would I...

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I would suggest you may have a faulty winch. I have run an x-charge for years and (ask anyone on here) I know how to get properly stuck!

More likely a dead/flat battery? If the battery on the winch side of the x-charge were flat, the x-charge relay could get one hell of a kicking while winching.

nope, checked it out with all manner of electrical equipment (Part of my job you see), and ran voltmeters on both batteries.

Replaced it with a T-Max set-up, that did seem to work well, until the motor was off the road for 5 weeks pending MOT, and the second battery did die, but that could have been simple - i never got chance to check it out before it went back to my brother, who i no longer speak to.

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