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Welding Stainless Q ?

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With a Big MIG welder

If I change the Gas to Pure Argon, can I buy Stainless wire and weld with MIG Stainless ?

Is thwere anything else needing changing, ie tips or liner etc ?

If my Steel welds are OK whats the likelhood of decent MIG Stainless welds ?

(I know MIG ali is just a horrible mess :lol:)

Over to the grown up / pro welders ta :)


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I believe that MIG'in stainless is possible but I aint tried it. If your doing alot of it then make the excuse to buy a cheapie scratch start TIG and you will appreciate the difference. If this is a one off then i'd hire for a day. Theres nothing worse than looking at a job and pretending that someone else did it.

If your doing 4mm+ stainless then you could always stick weld it.

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With a Big MIG welder

If I change the Gas to Pure Argon, can I buy Stainless wire and weld with MIG Stainless ?

Is thwere anything else needing changing, ie tips or liner etc ?

If my Steel welds are OK whats the likelhood of decent MIG Stainless welds ?

(I know MIG ali is just a horrible mess :lol:)

Over to the grown up / pro welders ta :)


I did exactly that to make a stainless exhaust but I only tacked it and took it to an adult to tig. The tacks were fine appeared no different than tacking in mild. I did have a little go and apart from blowing the odd hole it seemed fine, nowhere near as neat as tig mind but it worked for me.



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Depends on the stainless …….

If it is Austenitic (which I suspect it is) then you can still use Argoshield lite and just change the wire for stainless. The wire will be 300 series normally 308 or 316. I have been doing a lot of this recently with 2mm Stainless …….. the welds are OK.

If it is Martensitic stainless then that is a little more difficult and requires a dedicated gas mix of argon, helium and carbon dioxide. For this application you will probably need a 400 series wire which is quite difficult to procure, but readily available as TIG rods.

Look at the BOC industrial site and it tells you exactly what can be welded with Argoshield (or if you are flush …. Stainshield)

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