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How does it drain?

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I took the door card off so I could get to the hinge bolts and the inside of the door is like this



Not as bad as I was expecting but where does water drain out? There will be some water getting past the window seal especially when it gets wound down but there don't appear to be any drain holes in the bottom of the door to let it out. The holes you can see in the first picture seem to be covered by the seal screwed onto the bottom of the door. There is also no membrane of any sort covering the winder/lock mechanism as in ordinary cars, is this right?


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It all looks to be correct and as Land Rover originally designed it... :rolleyes:

To be honest, all I have in the bottom of my doors is a few holes from where different seals have been fitted over the years. It may let water in when I go wading, but it also lets the water out after...

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It all looks to be correct and as Land Rover originally designed it... :rolleyes:

To be honest, all I have in the bottom of my doors is a few holes from where different seals have been fitted over the years. It may let water in when I go wading, but it also lets the water out after...

There is supposed to be a membrane sealed accross the big hole (you can see the glue residue in the picture) but no-one ever puts them back. The water in the door bottom is supposed to drain into the bottom horizontal bit via some biggesh holes, and the out of the bottom of that via some slots left in the bottom edge (three, I think) where the door skin is notched to allow this. Trouble is, the little slots bung up, so the door then drains by overflowing (like yours). The seal on the door bottom doesn't look original though (mine doesn't have any, but its a bit older)

However, I agree with Orange - othrewise looks normal to me too!

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the seal on the bottom is original.

i have it on a 2002 defender.

if you have the original membrain sheet, it had an extra piece that tucks into the inside hence the water drains into the door to the place in picture 1. it's supposed to have the black sticky stuff to it making it 'water tight' hence the side won't rust in picture 2. ha ha.

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Thanks for the replies. The holes in the bottom of the channel don't seem to go anywhere, but if water is supposed to run out from the bottom edge of it then a bit more investigation needed. I guess the membrane was ditched when the previous owner did some welding around the square release button - that was a surprise when I took the card off.

It will be interesting to see what the other side looks like when I do those hinges but like I said I expected worse than this!


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I believe that the door seals (along the bottom) changed around the 200/300 TDi changes. My previous 200TDi had the seals attached to the sills whereas my 300 has them attached to the underside of the door frame.

The earlier method seems to keep more water out, but they had a tendancy to get ripped off as people got in and out of the vehicle...

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