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Hi All

I'm trying to find information on removing the dashboard from a 300tdi disco. I am having no joy with the search function. where am I going wrong?

Advanced search

"Dash removal"

sort by relevance

only posts


10 pages of unrelated topics....

Is it just poor or am I missing somthing?


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Doesn't solve the problem with the forum search, but try this: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=opera&rls=en&hs=Y3i&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fforums.lr4x4.com%2F+dash+removal&btnG=Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=

Search using google with this as the search string: site:http://forums.lr4x4.com/ dash removal

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Yeah, Bowie is right. The only way to effectivley search this forum is to use Google and include lr4x4 in your search term. I think i searched for stainless exhaust the other day and had 200 results and only two of them randomly had anything of relevance. The same if i type in GKN overdrive! i must be doing something wrong. Tried it with '+' or 'AND' between the words, but no use.

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