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Steel wheel widening

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Hi all.

Weird idea number 476, getting a pair of standard steelies banded (According to VOSA it ain't illegal, never was. Urban myth!) to 8" wide.

I want 285/75 16's, but I'm not into aftermarket wheels (Except the genuine Mach 5's and blindos, but things like that cost waaaaaaaaay too much for the likes of me), and think that a set of standard 110 wheels, but fat, would be the dog's danglies.

There's a website that does them for £370 for four, machine mig'd and tig'd. However, I've been told that you can get them done in Holland cheaper, even including carriage. Also, it's a more common process out there, so better results and more choice.

Does anyone know anything of use?

Many thanks

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Do you reckon that they could reproduce landrover centres? Well worth the shout if they do.


Did you get any further with this idea Heath? - I'm after the same thing with a set of rostyles. I'd be interested to see what they quote you.

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A mate of mine just emailed VOSA about this very issue only this week.

VOSA said it was nothing to do with them, and construction and use regs are the remit of DfT.

He then emailed the DfT, who said there was nothing specifically illegal about banding steels, HOWEVER, the wheels still need to be safe and upto the job. A manufacturer submits their wheels for testing (they listed a number of ISO and UNECE standards the wheels would be tested to), but someone modifying the wheels at home have no way of ensuring their wheels are actually going to meet these standards in the modified state, and how the modifications affects the wheels strength and load ratings.

And thats where it all becomes dodgy.

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Assuming you could weld, you would be unlikely to make anything more carp than a standard white 8 spoke...

Maybe not but there is the indemnity issue should they fail in service.

At least with a manufacturer all the blame wouldn't rest on your own shoulders if you can prove the wheel wasn't fit for purpose or was made to a substandard.

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Thanks, that's exactly what I was after. I may need a little help with translation, if they don't understand my Email... :rolleyes: I'm afraid that languages aren't my forte.

Don't think English would be a problem for them on e-mail, but if it is...just let me know.

Found some pricing info from 2006, which was 40 euros per wheel for sandblasting and widening.

After some Google the email-address of the company I linked should be info@velgen.nl

Also got a name and telephone number from somebody who should do it for less than 30 euros a wheel (pricing on forum dated 2009)

W. van der Mik, Vinkeveen +31 297-261777

Also read they are not that much into internet, website and email. On an other forum they told they're planning to stop doing wheel widening.

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Thank you Jurriaan, that's extremely helpful.

I'll ring them tomorrow, and see if they are still willing to do it.

Aside from being stronger than cheap steelies, I think a wider landrover wheel will look brilliant. It'll take a second look to work out what's making the difference. :ph34r:

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Yeah, that looks nice. I've got 1-ton wheels at the moment, but as my dad's decided to build a 130" 1-ton/stage 1 thing, he wants them back. They look perfect with my 255/85 muds on, but those wheels now cost about £200 a piece!!! only a couple of years ago, Craddocks had them for £40 a go, but both dad and I complacently said "Oh, that's good. We'll get some of them soon..." :(

The one's on mine were from the 1-ton that he had when I was born, that he'd stuck a V8 in before the Stage 1 came out. Wonder where I get it from? :lol:

This time, if I can get them any width, I might as well get them to fit 285/75s. That'll look amazing.

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:D :D :D

Yeah, those! On the other websites that actually have them, they are £175-£200!! Admittedly that's new, but the things are pretty bomb-proof.

That's perfect, dad'll be over the moon! I'll get on to them now, before I miss the chance again.

I still think that I'll get some wider ones though, as now that thought's in my head, it'll stay around and annoy me... :lol:

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Thank you Jurriaan, that's extremely helpful.

I'll ring them tomorrow, and see if they are still willing to do it.

Aside from being stronger than cheap steelies, I think a wider landrover wheel will look brilliant. It'll take a second look to work out what's making the difference. :ph34r:

Heath can you stick up a post or PM me if you get a postive response? I'll follow in your widened tracks :lol: I agree with the posts on the looks thats why I want to keep the rostyles on the classic ;)

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Will, I'll post anything that I find out on here. I Emailed Weller, but so far have had no response. The email for Velgen denied me any joy what so ever, so I'll try that again. I'll give t'other guy a ring too, but have too many day-time things to sort out at the moment to do it yet.

I'll keep you posted.

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