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1963 series rebuild


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Hi All,

Having read all of the horror stories about vehicles being reg as tax excempt when they obviously are not etc etc.

The question i have is this

I own a 1963 series which i have owned for over 20 years, sadly much of it is past its best, rotten bulkhead engine about shot etc The only good thing is the chassis which i replaced many years ago.

Question can i fit a series 3 bulkhead and front end (know where there is an excellent one cheap)and still be legal? i have another engine but that also came out of a series 3. I would also be fitting the series 3 steering column with steering lock (new).

Any thoughts would be appreciated, i know at the end of the dsy it would have more series 3 parts on than origonal but where would i stand legally.



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The 'body', so bulkhead et all, has no relation to the tax-exempt status. The chassis 'is' the vehicle, and it is that which has the identity. If it was replaced like-for-like with a new manufactured item then there will be no issues with that.

With regard to re-building it, the DVLA use the follwing system to determine whether rebuilt vehicles can retain the original registration.

In order to retain the original registration mark:
  • cars and car-derived vans must use:

The original unmodified chassis or unaltered bodyshell (i.e. body and chassis as one unit - monocoque); or a new chassis or monocoque bodyshell of the same specification as the original supported by evidence from the dealer or manufacturer (e.g. receipt).

And two other major components from the original vehicle - ie suspension (front & back); steering assembly; axles (both); transmission or engine.

They go on to say:

If a second-hand chassis or monocoque bodyshell is used a car must pass an Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) and light goods vans must have a enhanced single vehicle approval (ESVA) or single vehicle approval (SVA) test after which a "Q" prefix registration number will be allocated.

So in reality it's very simple. In your case, you should be fine as you'll still have the axles, suspension, and transmission from the original vehicle.

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You're not exactly cheating anyone, it really *is* a tax exempt motor, and bulkhead/bodywork don't count.

I'd think twice about S3-ifying it though, it was what all the cool kids did in the '80s but these days IMHO you're better off keeping it original.

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As the above post says, you can do it.

Just be warned, the purists won't be too happy - and you may get accused of having a ringer by those not in the know. :ph34r:


I appreciate the purists may not be happy but it was never a pristine series at the best. All it really gets used for is on summer days (rare i know) for a trip to the coast with the top off, i have no intention of ever selling it, it has to many memories for that, like changing a rear axle from a scrap series in Morocco many years ago, or being flat out in reverse in Zimbabwe trying to avoid a very upset Elephant, and yes Elephants can catch a series flat out in reverse, without trying. Or waking up one morning to find 2 cheetahs sat on the spare wheel on the bonnet.

So selling it is out of the question, if i had spare series 2 front end i would fit that but i dont so it will end up looking like a series 3 but i dont really care.



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I don't know if you've tried, but if you ever felt like it you may be able to source "proper" bulkhead and matching set of S2 wings. Have you tried asking on the Series 2 Club forums?

If your mind is made up then disregard this post. :ph34r:

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I don't know if you've tried, but if you ever felt like it you may be able to source "proper" bulkhead and matching set of S2 wings. Have you tried asking on the Series 2 Club forums?

If your mind is made up then disregard this post. :ph34r:

The wanted / for sale may be a start, like wise the Series 2 club forum may be a good source for bits, or even Ebay.

With regards to the tax exempt status,it works on a points basis:

1 Point for the engine.

5 Points for the chassis.

2 Points for the transmission.

2 Points for the steering assembly.

2 Points for the suspension

2 Points for the axles.

= 14 Points in total.

so the bulkhead swap won't affect it's status.

Have a search on the forums and ebay, there are companies who recon or sell new bulkheads if you want to stay Series 2 authentic.

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You're not exactly cheating anyone, it really *is* a tax exempt motor, and bulkhead/bodywork don't count.

I'd think twice about S3-ifying it though, it was what all the cool kids did in the '80s but these days IMHO you're better off keeping it original.

My 1958 got some sort of S3 make over before I bought it.

It has late 2a wings on it (headlamps in the wing, not in the rad panel)

A S3 grill, S3 engine. S3 Steering wheel, and S3 electrics)

I am slowly putting her back to as she may have looked when she left the factory.

A labour of love.

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With regards to the tax exempt status,it works on a points basis:

1 Point for the engine.

5 Points for the chassis.

2 Points for the transmission.

2 Points for the steering assembly.

2 Points for the suspension

2 Points for the axles.

= 14 Points in total.

so the bulkhead swap won't affect it's status.

The above is for 'radically altered vehicles', so things that started off as one vehicle but has had so many components changed that it's identity is called into question. For example a Defender 90 with a different engine/transmission/axles/suspension system/steering. In this case the points are totalled up and if they meet the criteria (8) the vehicle can keep it's original registration, and if not then it will require IVA and subsequent Q-plate.

A re-built vehicle, using a mix of old and new parts, must comply with my reply further above in order to retain the registration.

Further details here :)

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