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Please Help Me To Look Clever!

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Just a quick questions regarding a 96 300tdi Disco, the vehicle actually belongs to my father, who assumes foolishly that I am a knowledgeable about land rovers based on the amount of time that I spend under the bonnet of mine!! So when his vehicle decided to give up the ghost on the M25- after its recovery back to the farm I was his first port of call, but it completely stumped me, the symptoms are as follows

- A trail of oil form the oil filler cap down the engine plastic trim, looks like it had been flowing pretty heavily at one point.

- Oil seeping out most sides of the rocker cover gasket.

- Blue Exhaust Smoke.

- Blue smoke coming out the engine bay, from somewhere under the exhaust manifold, I can't pinpoint where.

- Major Loss of power

Prior to the journey he said the oil was slightly above the max(he did not mess with the oil level, just left it)

I don't know what the problem is but here what I guessed;

There must be pressure for the oil to have been forced out the top of the engine,

The blue smoke means oil is being burnt, and low power means the fuel/air mixture has been contaminated with oil?

So I made a wild and rash guess and told him it may be a piston ring.

I'm sure that the answer is probably fairly simple- but advice would be great so I can give him some more info- he hasn't been lucky with this land rover(new gearbox, two clutches, new transfer box, starter motor, steering box... its almost a new vehicle!)

Many Thanks


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Could the smoke just be oil dripping on the exhaust manifold?

You said it gave up on the M25 - can you say what about it gave up the ghost? What were the symptoms before during and after?


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