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Brake caliper flexis - top mod

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Every time I want to service my hubs, change wheel bearings or otherwise get at the hub nuts, I end up lifting the caliper out of the way and bending the link pipe as gently as possible, to avoid undoing the hydraulic connections and having to rebleed the system. It works, but Mr Fatigue says it's bad news in the long run.

Anyway, Mr Rock determined the end of lifetime for the braided hose on the other side to this one:


so I had a chat with David at Llama 4x4 and he provided a banjo-bolt fitting and copper washers to allow me to fit new (sexy new blue coloured) hoses, fit them and take this poor, blurry photo for you all:


1) Top marks to David for a product which does what it says on the tin.

2) 180° of twist in the hose stops it rubbing on the tyre sidewall with potentially fatal consequences, ask me how I know...

3) I have 1x used braided flexi hose, +2" length, free or forum donation, seems a shame to chuck it.

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Is that 180 degree twist not going to do funny fatigue things to the braid as it twists on full extension? I might be talking pish but it looks just as vulnerable as before

edit to say I like the idea of losing the hardline I'd just be worried there might be an element of going out of the frying pan into the fire with the 180 twist

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Very bling, but I do agree with Zoltan, anything hanging about like that is asking for a stick or rock to grab it. I think the twist may be inviting a kink in the hose at a later date too. I'd be tempted to go for much longer ones and run them up the top of the hockey stick, but then you may as well run it all the way back in braided...

Have to say I don't have any copper line on my truck and it makes everything sooo much easier so that aspect gets my vote bigtime.

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I've run my SS braided pipes in exactly the same way for 20 years. The twist compresses like a spring when the wheel is turned inwards, and expands when turned outwards.

Why, I found out that mud can hold it against the rim of the wheel if not looped like this and cuts it in less than 2 miles. I found out when I got to a roundabout with two cars coming the other way. I managed to use a 100 yards and a garage forecourt to stop.


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As Sid says, it curls up like a spring - the photo makes it look rather untidy but I'm happy with it. I'll certainly keep an eye on them for the first few outings though.

Sid - I had exactly the same, with a braided hose rubbing against the tyre sidewall - happily I had plenty of room to go down the gears and then use the handbrake. Interestingly the dual-circuit bit didn't seem to help, but I didn't want to keep pumping the brakes and run out of fluid so I towed my mate home, and he slowed down whenever I showed my brakelights. Probably not the safest, but it worked...

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