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One small step for man!

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Well just to up date you guys, today i set about the Land Rover (and if this job ever needs doing again,

I'm guuna set about it with a very BIG hammer!). Basic job to most I'm guessing? But this is me we're talking

about! so consider building/repairing NASA's space shuttle and you have some idea of the task that lay

ahead of me.....To cut along story short I referred to the bible (Haynes) and quite a few posts off here

and armed my self with the few tools that i have, (oh and the wife on standby to nip to various out lets) I

proceeded to change the swivel joint seal!.....

So some 5Hrs. later with 3 or 4 trips out by the misses, a large size swimming pool of sweat, 28.5pints of blood (ranging

from mine, the wife's, the cocky post man and several small children playing in the street) the use of every swear word

known to man many times over!!!.....I can safely say the job is DONE! With thanks to all that helped with their input

and advice over the last few months while i waited for a few days off to be able to do this. If such a situation

arises again you will find me spending my few days off Trekking to the North Pole in my shorts and a string vest

as knowing what lies ahead with the Land Rover the latter would seem less of a challenge!

Regards to all Mutley

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