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Seized water-pump stud on a 200 Tdi


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Hi All,

Currently trying to change the cambelt on my 200 Tdi. Have got as far as removing all the bolts holding the cover on, but can't seem to get the cover off! The culprit appears to be the stud fitted on the top of the water pump, it looks like it has seized itself solid to the cover. I can feel 'movement' all round the cover, so it would appear to free everywhere else. Am I correct in thinking that under normal circumstances, one should be able to leave the stud in place and just slide the cover off over it (and the orientation dowel)?

Unusually for me, I have resisted the temptation to clout seven bells of hell out of it using the LR Mark 1 adjusting thule - though I have gently tapped the remainder of the cover 'free' with a rubber mallet.

Any ideas on how to remove this, without snapping the thing? Have already tried generous quantities of penetrating lube (the good stuff, not WD-40), the usual two-nut method (that's just stripped threads), am going to beg/steal/borrow a 'proper' stud extractor (the type that looks like a socket)? Don't have access to a 'smoke spanner' and nor would I want to use one in this instance :huh:

All suggestions gratefully recieved!


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If it is just hung on one dowel, a bit of scientific booty-shaking should eventually wiggle it free.

A more damage method is to get the finest edged weapon in the armoury (I use an old 1/2" wide woodwork chisel) and introduce it along the gasket line using a light propellant (a bit of wood or the rubber mallet) alternately each side of the hung stud.

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had the same problem had to cut it off not much help i know but what ever you do you will have to get another in there when you refit the case i thought i might get away with just one stud missing but absolutly not even with an extra thick gasket and hilomar it still pi..ed out so do it before you refit for ease

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