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Painting new rear door.

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I've ordered a new rear door for my 90 which I intend to paint myself. As I'm really not to worried about the finish I'm planning on hand painting it with smooth blue hammerite (it's been repainted in the past and I don't know what the colour is) What I was wondering was should the hammerite be ok to paint straight on to the factory primer or do you think I need to prime it first and if so, what type of primer should I use.

Thanks :)

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I've been painting all sorts of things just recently from new electroplated doors to rusty swivel housings.

I point I have noted with using hammerite is, it doesn't particularly cover other non hammerite finishes very well, unless you really "dawb" it on, then it still doesn't guarantee its going to stick for very long. The only finish it does cover is a very rough brushed rust kinda of finish - I guess thats the market its aimed at.

I have found a range of "tractor" paints that are directed at the agricultural vehicles, which are roller applied, but still give a relatively good finish, a lot more suited for your standard basecoat primers.

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If you don't have access to spray gear I would avoid the Hammerite route which dries to a hard, brittle and easily chipped / cracked finish which (ok for garden gates and old iron guttering) and either use the tractor enamel route or just buy some aerosols from Halfruads.

Have you seen this http://www.stephen.hull.btinternet.co.uk/

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I've ordered it from Paddock Spares. £99 + vat minus the glass. Haven't got it yet though.

OK, thanks.

Could you possibly post back on here when it arrives as I might nip over to Paddocks and buy one. Wouldnt mind knowing how you get on with it, whether all the hinge holes line up etc


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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, thanks.

Could you possibly post back on here when it arrives as I might nip over to Paddocks and buy one. Wouldnt mind knowing how you get on with it, whether all the hinge holes line up etc


Sorry, forgot to reply to this :rolleyes: Yes I will let you know once I get it. Ordered it on 2nd August and still haven't got it!!!!! Just phoned them and they say they are still waiting for them from the factory! :angry:

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