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Where is the transfer box leak coming from?

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Anyone know a good way to distinguish if a transfer box oil leak is coming from the intermediate shaft o rings or the input seal? Looking at the oil tracks, i just cant tell how high the leak starts.

I think i've decided if it is the intermediate shaft i'll replace the box and if it is the input seal, i'll just replace that. If i'm going to replace the box, i want to order the replacement before i remove it. It is loosing about 100ml every 3-4 weeks (approx 600-800 miles). Current T-box has 165K on it.

Guess the answer is to drop the box and have a good look, but i just dont have the motivation to do it at the moment!

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Look on the bright side: It's slightly* easier to drop the box on your defender than it was on my disco, so I'm told, and both your options involve dropping it anyway.

As an aside, there's a good post in the tech archive about working on the intermediate shaft o-rings, without removing the box. Might be worth an investigation, as it could save you a days effort, and a few bob maybe.

*slightly: It's also slightly easier to get a bowling pin up your nose, that a bowling ball, but neither are exactly a walk in the park.

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I know.... I need to drop the box. Was just hoping it would seal itself or something! I've had it on and off so much i just dont want to do it again - plus i have an overdrive attached and the extra hassle of removing that before the Tbox.

You cant get to the o rings on the LT230/LT77 as the end is partially obscured by the gearbox. I read the O ring bodge thread and considered it, but think i'd rather replace if that is at fault to avoid having to pull the box off again in a few months.

I'll have to take it out and see whats what.

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Marcos thread about rebuilding the box suggests that even with a replacement box theres no guarantee the intermediate shaft wont start leaking again...

I fancy getting mine sleeved, but i've no idea where i can get something like that done.

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Marcos thread about rebuilding the box suggests that even with a replacement box theres no guarantee the intermediate shaft wont start leaking again...

I know - I'm also nervous about replacing it for that reason - hence part of my lack of motivation to do anything about it! I dont have the time (or special tools) to re-build it myself either. Pauls thread about fixing it with loctite is tempting, but i fear just a temporary repair.

Ashcrofts is local to me, so i might give them a ring and ask if they can supply one with a sleeve perhaps.... With them being local, it also means if there is a problem, i can drop in to see them without too much hassle.

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istr they supplied marcos with a sleeved case after his fiasco with the original box that leaked.

What i dont know is if they will sleeve my case for me, without the rest of the rebuild. Might have to give them a call, as i'm about to order up the bearings and things to do mine.

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istr they supplied marcos with a sleeved case after his fiasco with the original box that leaked.

What i dont know is if they will sleeve my case for me, without the rest of the rebuild. Might have to give them a call, as i'm about to order up the bearings and things to do mine.

I think they did. I wonder if all re-con boxes should be sleeved as a matter of course, as this is not an uncommon problem it would seem. My understanding is that every time the box takes up drive, there is a jarring movement on the intermediate gears and shaft. This wear is inevitable really, but given that most boxes being re-built will be highish mileage, the wear will be there to a greater or lesser degree. I would imagine if it is slight, it is hard to assess, but still present.

I'm sure Ashcrofts would point you towards the right people to sleeve yours even if they wont do it themselves for you.

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I think they did. I wonder if all re-con boxes should be sleeved as a matter of course, as this is not an uncommon problem it would seem. My understanding is that every time the box takes up drive, there is a jarring movement on the intermediate gears and shaft. This wear is inevitable really, but given that most boxes being re-built will be highish mileage, the wear will be there to a greater or lesser degree. I would imagine if it is slight, it is hard to assess, but still present.

I'm sure Ashcrofts would point you towards the right people to sleeve yours even if they wont do it themselves for you.

Regarding the sleeving, I too quite fancied getting it done (and if I find somewhere local I'm not a million miles from Aragorn) but I'm slightly concerned about just pressing a steel sleeve in; aluminium expands more than steel so it would tend to loosen when hot, so maybe would have to be shrunk into place, or pinned somehow to be sure it wouldn't loosen. Any thoughts?


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Regarding the sleeving, I too quite fancied getting it done (and if I find somewhere local I'm not a million miles from Aragorn) but I'm slightly concerned about just pressing a steel sleeve in; aluminium expands more than steel so it would tend to loosen when hot, so maybe would have to be shrunk into place, or pinned somehow to be sure it wouldn't loosen. Any thoughts?


I presumed the sleeves were threaded and sealed in in some way. I will try and drop Ashcrofts a line when i get time and find out.

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please let us know. I'm still in two minds as to replacing my trans and would certainly want this doing to any i got returned. My box is fine really so i don't want to end up with one that leaks where mine does not.

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