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Help with car/chassis registration details


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Help with car/chassis registration details

Hi I have just bought an old 4x4 and was thinking about taking the old body off and putting a Land Rover 130 body on it.

My question is would it need to me SVA tested ? I know when you build a kit car if you use the donner chassis then the car would keep the same registration and no test is needed ( I think )

Regards Simon

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an old 4x4

that general statement covers a whole range of possible vehicles, what exact model ?

if it's a old Range Rover or Discovery a 130 body won't fit as the chassis is to short. even if it's a old 110 the 130 body still won't fit for the same reason.

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Its a Chevy 4x4 truck 120" wheel base. Was one of the GMC Taverns but it would need to many chevy parts to make complete again so was playing with the idea of fitting the 130 body.Would be a lot of work but seems a shame to break them all up and may be a good project.

Regards Simon

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It would likely need a VIC (vehicle identity check), as it's been modified (radically :P) to look like something else.

However, if you have retained the Chevy chassis and drive-train, and can accumulate enough points from that vehicle then you should be able to retain the original reg yep :)

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