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Defender 200Tdi Acceleration problem

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Hmmmm. See what the others reckon, but i wonder if it is still the lift pump since the problem was solved, allbeit breifly, when you fitted the new one. I had one of these on my 200tdi for ~3 years:


It failed eventually (lasted more than a couple of miles thankfully) and i had no choice but to go to a dealer and they stung me for £130 for a genuine new one!!

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it's been a few days : I changed the UJ's in the front (they were both gone...) What a difference !

Most of the problems are solved, but there is still the one with the fuel lift pump... I'm getting air in somewhere (hence the lost of power) but I checked every tube and connection, and there are no leaks, so to me it must be the pump that isn't 100% airtight.

Last week I contacted Paddock to explain the problem I had with the pump. after a few e-mails they agreed to send me a new one from another manufacturer (Delphi, I hope) and free of charge ! :)

So, as soon as I receive the new pump, it's going to be installed. I keep you posted on the result !

So far you all have a great help to me ! Thanx !!

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Glad you've made some headway. Paddocks seem to be good when you have a problem with something purchase from them, they try to resolve any issue with the minimum of fuss.

I guess the moral of the story is that the problem is sometimes not just one thing but a combination of problems ;)

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