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Rear prop oddity..........

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So, i have one of mr lewis's wide angle rear props on my 90, i put the slip joint at the transfer box end, now, last week i went through loads of deep water, and i removed the prop this week to sort someting, and the slip joint was full of water, this got me thinking that this can't be good for longevity, so, is there a good reason not to put it at the diff end..?? more carp down there, but at least the water could run out....

Any thoughts...????

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I've just placed my order with Mr Lewis and am expecting to receive them on Tues. :D

He said on the phone that if you grease them regularly they will last a very long time indeed. They do seem to have an exceptional reputation so I imagine that as long as you follow the guidance, they will be just fine.

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Strange thing is, that on the fornt prop, gen LR cardon prop, the slider is at the diff end............

I'll just have to remember to grease it as often as i remember i guess.......

that agrees with the info in the Disco 2 workshop manual.

IIRC doublr joint props are for the front axle only.

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"I'll just have to remember to grease it as often as i remember i guess......."

Bearing in mind that oil levels should be checked for contamination after wading and that props should be greased at the same time I would say you should make a point of carrying out this most basic of maintenance checks everytime you dip the vehicle to avoid premature failure. A quick look in the owners handbook comes up with this commonsense but regularly ignored piece of information:-

IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Special operating conditions. ............For example; if your vehicle experiences deep wading conditions, even DAILY servicing could ne necessary to ensure the continued safe and reliable operation of the vehicle.

Says it all really, every vehicle requires basic maintenance. Who's product would get the blame if the splines siezed up on you or suffered excessive wear in 6-months time?

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True, however, i won;t be greasing it every time i go through water, otherwise i'd grease it every time i use it..LOL..... pretty much all the lanes round here, and the trial sites i use have lots of water, however, i might make it a monthly thing or something........ i have all the breathers extended along with a decent snorkle, i'm in the throws of designing and building a snorlke for the heater intake next...:)

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True, however, i won;t be greasing it every time i go through water, otherwise i'd grease it every time i use it..LOL..... pretty much all the lanes round here, and the trial sites i use have lots of water, however, i might make it a monthly thing or something........ i have all the breathers extended along with a decent snorkle, i'm in the throws of designing and building a snorlke for the heater intake next...:)

Why not?

My 90 has spent the last two days axle deep in nasty muddy gritty water (thank you Slindon), and I can assure you the first thing I'm doing tomorrow is cleaning it and greasing everything! When the props cost £300 the pair (mine are Gwyn Lewis items too), five minutes to give them a few squirts of grease is hardly a massive outlay.

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I may need to invest in a few gallons of grease, and a decent gun, the one i have at the moment is tempremental to say the least........ today was spent in a sandy ex quarry, half the day stuck in the stuff, wet and yucky........ so i prob will grease it all again this week, gotta change two tyres first..LOL... came home with holes in two!

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