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Megalog viewer being weird?

Muddy 1

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Having been running and logging my hybrid for three days now I'm getting the hang of this, until today!!

This is run six using my fifth generated map all around 3/4hr runs, get back go into MLV and open up the log ok, load MSQ ok, run Ve analyser it's stuck on wideband not letting me tick Narrowband O2, recheck all my settings on Map 5 and everything is still in narrowband. Looking through the log everything has recorded at it should have. done a quick log whilst on the drive and checked Ve Analyser and everything is as it should be!

Have I lost that whole run is there anyway around switching the O2??

Thanks Nick

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Sorry this may not be 100% helpful, but have you tried TunerStudio MS? It'll do all the tuning on the fly rather than having to log, open in MLV, then save, then burn all the time.

Megatune and MLV are becoming somewhat outdated now, TunerStudio MS is written by the same guy that wrote MLV too, so you know it's gonna be good :)

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Ha yes I remember playing with the lite version that was supplied with the Ms from the other guy, but just ended up using the Stuff Nige sent out with allhis Gubbins on his CD.

I have purchased this now and will be on with it tomorrow. Any tips or things to look out for on this?

Thanks again Nick

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Need a bit of Help again :blush:

Tuner studio is great! Using the Ve analyser great but concerned about one area of the map it seems to just keep adding fuel every run.


Do I need to change the spark advance or is this an area I'll need to wok on manually?

Just for reference heres the Spark map


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The spark map is just like a dizzy curve.... why go through all the trouble of squirting and having a mechanical curve. You need to sort the spark map out then the fuel map will follow. Have you set the lambda values in TS so it knows what you are looking for?


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Ah didn't realise the Spark map was so basic, should of checked really.

Here's BBC's map I have transplanted, Would that be better working off for now?


Here's the AFR table, I'll put my hands and say I don't know the translation between these figures and AFR


Any guideance on this rather large uphill taking is greatly Received. Along with some Beers I'm sure :D

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Those figures correspond to what voltage your wideband is set to output under any given mixtures.

For example the default outputs on the Innovate LC1 (quote from manual):

"The LC-1's analog output 2 is factory programmed to provide a linear output between 0V and 5V for an AFR of 7.35 to 22.39. Any other linear output range between 0 and 5V can be programmed."

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That is why Gettting lost then! I'm using Narrowband and have the AFR tables turned on! ( I had MS2 that wouldn't work on WB and had nige rebuild it to Ms1 on NB so I'm getting confused over the two :( I need a memory dump/ flush and start again!) :rolleyes:

So the AFR table bobtail was on about is the one in Ms analyser that tunes your map to those figures!

Cool I'm getting somewhere faster, Have lots to tweak from Tuesday onwards. :D

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So the AFR table bobtail was on about is the one in Ms analyser that tunes your map to those figures!

Right..... I thought I was going mad but it turns out It's too late.. tongue.gif If you have a look at the screen shot below you can see that when you click on AFR Targets you get a drop down menu you need to make sure that the "Edit / view-Tuner Studio custom (default)" box is ticked and you will get the "Target AFR Table" up and this is what VE Analyze live use's to tune the VE map. You can alter the values to get the right tune for your engine if you want or just use the default numbers. I would also set the "Cell Change Resistance" to normal for a few tunes, maybe 4 or 5 then go to hard for 2 or 3 then finish with a couple of Very Hard and you should be near the right one. You don't need to turn AE or over run settings off with TS as Phil tobin recommends leaving them on.


Now I don't recommend you use this spark map BUT it works for me and it shows what I meant by not having to have a mechanical curve on the map. I expect some comments about the map but try dialling some bigger numbers in small amounts till you get what you need. It makes my RRC pick up quite nicely.


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I have seen that map else where on here and did wonder about it as it goes against everything I have seen on here. Does such a big step have any roughness in the running? Thanks for the advice so far slowly getting to grips with it all. Now have a nice steady tickover and lost most of the hunting only a bit left on warm up to sort. Was going to do some runs today but weather here was appalling.

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1/2 mile from home on first map run of the day, windscreen gone on passenger side propper stardust floating around in the cab. must of been a stone from somewhere. Limped back home awaiting auto windscreens :(

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