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Insurance Renewal time.


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Just got the renewal quote from Adrian Flux for my 110DC. I thought that I had better tell them about the newly fitted winch and bumper along with a few other mods and bits. At the same time I asked for the wife to be added to the policy. It was a pleasant suprise to learn that this actually lowered the quote, and the winch etc: made no difference whatsoever.

How glad am I that I changed to Flux from NFU a few years ago. They always sound as though they know what you are talking about, some companies don't know what a 110 Double cab is, others can't find it in their database.

What a minefield insurance is these days, a complete waste of time going through compare the market etc: if you own a modified vehicle of any kind, least of all a Land Rover.

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Years ago when I had a Fiat Tipo and my Mrs only had a provisional licence I was surprised to find out that adding her to the insurance policy lowered it quite a bit, there seemed to be no logic to that, the broker seemed as surprised as me.

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Yes, having a partner seems to reduce the premium!

When me and SWMBO first got together, she added me to her Corsa insurance and the price dropped a good chunk. My point is it isn't just adding a female to a policy held by a male that makes a difference, it works both ways.

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Adding my O/H to the insurance on my Discovery, declared mods of springs/exhaust/LPG etc, unlimited personal/commuting miles and 5000 business miles made no difference to my insurance.

I had the poor girl on the other end of the phone running through hoops of "what if I remove the 6th and 7th seat" etc, all made no difference.

Apparently the business miles and a claim which comes off in December are the factors that make my insurance higher. Cost me £500 fully comp, business use, modified.

Ironically the GF had a quite from one of these women-only places, added my name to the quote and it went down by 1/3rd!

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