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Most insurance companies don't cover you fully-comp off-road, but the third-party bit follows you everywhere (not that they like to admit to this, but it does, by law). That's all anyone needs and can be had very cheap if you do zero road miles.

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Sorry Just read this Thread a little late I know but will throw in my tuppence worth, I am a newish member Shire and although I knew that the day was on just really didn't fancy it, reasons:

1. Since holiday in August I have been away every weekend with the Land Rover and just wanted some time at home they included:

  • LRO Peterborough
  • Rally Festival Castle Coombe
  • 7 Sisters
  • L2B

2. After being mostly ignored at 7 Sisters (bar a couple of people) and totally ignored at L2B I didn't really fancy being ignored again, was it just me? no because Ross was also at L2B and experienced it also. I was told that Shire was a friendly club, however I didn't find that and if it was not for people that I kind of knew from here, I don't think anyone would have said Hi!! I could see how people turning up for a first time wouldn't come back.

This is in no way having a go at Shire I am a big boy but I have found with established clubs where friendships exists and have done for a while can without thinking exclude others, they expect you know what's going on which does make it difficult. After my first time at Slab I sent some thoughts to TJ whilst some appeared to be implemented so at least they are trying to change things.

I have lived in a lot of places over the years and found the above to be the case with many clubs, not all though... I went away with the guys from Innovate 4x4 the other weekend and couldn't have been made to feel more welcome, and this forum is also a place of inclusion. I would have loved to be in Wales next weekend but unfortunately school holidays have prevented that.

I am not a fan of P&P sites after very nearly having my truck wiped out at the local one in Aldermaston I decided it was not a place for my children or me!! I do agree that trucks should be road worthy and an MOT is the easiest way of proving that also insurance is a must to make sure there is some protection should something go wrong!!


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Really Jason? I find that bizarre - at 7 Sisters we saw you on Friday and you followed us for a bit on Saturday morning before deciding to head off on your own - as you know, you were more than welcome to stick with us all day if you'd have liked. I believe your little 'un also had a ride in Richards Dlander up the waterfall? You and yours were also invited to come over and join us all in Saturday night, but chose to stay over by your trailer? Dan, Ashley and Peirs spent quite a while over talking to you about all sorts - in fact, I didn't really see Dan at all that night.

We saw Ross several times over the weekend and it is tricky getting around to see everyone at an event - especially when you're trying to entertain an 18month old, maintain your truck and run an event. In fact, 9/10 people come to events in groups and to be honest apart from a quick chat they don't want people following them around all the time.

I know Richard and Tracy were at London 2 Brighton and invited you over when they were having a BBQ but again, you wanted you stay near your trailer? Clubs (in my 15 years of running/volunteering in them, car and otherwise) are all the same - you've got to put in to get back - come over and talk to people and join in and you end up with a group of friends you'd trust with your life... well, at least that's my experience.

I hope you don't mind me replying, but I think if you do post things like that, it's only fair the other side of the story is also put forward.

Thanks, Jen

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Oh, and my little 'on-topic' comment: I think the cost of things has alot to do with it these days, but in this instance, I think that Shires' have the Romsey site, Bunny Lane, in November is a massive factor - I think everyone's saving up for that one! :)

As for the calendar, the 'pretty much complete' 2012 calendar is the next newsletter which was posted on Sunday - and on the website for easy planning B)

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Hi Jen,

I was only giving my feedback, and maybe why people find it difficult as I say I had given some feedback to TJ, as I said in my post it was no way a go at Shire. I will PM you with a full response and it is true that you did say hi and were very friendly, you were amongst a very small minority and we had commented to Dan on the Saturday morning that he was the first person to speak to us.


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No worries Jason, I'm all for feedback, but I think it's important to post an honest response, and I think 'totally ignored' and 'mostly ignored' are a bit unfair when you consider what happened, especially as a comment to post on a public forum. At the time Dan was over talking to you we were sat with a group who had come over from Belgium and some 'first time' 7Sisters people from Cornwall, so as you know you would have been more than welcome to join us. I'm not really sure what would have helped make you feel more welcome? If you've got some ideas let the Committee know.

I'll never forget getting an e-mail from a chap the day after a Hampshire Subaru meet - he was complaining as he'd turned up to a social meet and no-one had spoken to him... I asked where he was sitting (it turned out it was around the corner in the bar), what he was wearing (nothing 'Subaru related') and if he'd spoken to anyone (no, just sat with his wife) .... how on earth was I meant to know he'd turned up for the Subaru meet? The critical thing with clubs is, if you want to get involved, you have to talk to people - and the Committees/Working Partys are happy to take on comments and suggestions, but can't always do it all for you. Of course you could always do it the other way - if you're not happy join the Committee and start making the difference :)

No need for PM, as I say, I'm not upset, just wanted to re-dress the balance a bit.

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With all the talk about 7S and SLRC, I'd like to give my views as well.

Firstly, on topic, I've been doing a lot less offroading the last couple of years than I would have liked, missing out on several P&P days. For us, a big factor is our yearly trip to Russia. While I can't say it's really expensive, it does take a big bite out of the budget, for some more than for others. But it also requires a lot of time preparing, time that can't be spent offroading (or working a second job to keep the cash coming in). When walking a thin line like that, if something goes wrong (like it did on our way to Slab this summer), it means a big set-back on all fronts. But I am trying to take the easier road more often, just having fun with the daily driver Rangy and going out whenever I feel like it, without all the preparations involved for a longer trip.

As for the Shire Club, as outsiders we felt real welcome a couple of years ago when we turned up in Slab. I remember getting stuck out of sight from the rest of our little group, and 2 cars immediately pulling up to offer assistance. And the members of the committee were very friendly as well.

I do agree that on a big site like 7S things are a bit different. People do tend to stick with known friends for the camping, and you don't run into each other as much on the site itself because of the sheer size. We drove on our own most of the time, by choice, but we did make some new friends (though I never got their name, they were driving an ex-mag 90 with 3-link) and had a lot of fun!



Belgian Collective

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Yeah, we've been doing less off roading to Filip - our factor has been having Izzy - even going up to Slab is the best part of £100 for the day. Economic pressures are putting on people in more than a stricly financial sense too, I'm currently doing two jobs in one and every now and again you just need a day in the garden instead of rushing around off roading :blush:

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The 7S site is a bit different to the normal pay and plays in that you can spend a whole day and not see people. This year I only saw my mate Neil at the camp (:lol:) site and at the morning briefing.

London to Brighton - I wasn't aware of an invitation to a BBQ or join them? I'm not so worried about that, it was the morning. AFAIK no one came over to us to see how long we were going to be packing up and getting ready to leave. We were ready only about 5mins after the other shires people moved off. I don't think being 'late' comes into it as you just sit in the queue for the same length of time, just at a different point! Surely being part of a club means you stick together at things like that?! The other shires events I have attended have been welcoming and friendly, but the trouble is people stick to their friendship groups especially as people tend to know them outside of the club (camping together etc exacerbates this).

Written in a bit of a rush as I'm on a limited time on the connection. Will probably add more as I think of it!!

@Filip - I have one of them on Facebook, I will endeavor to pass on their details when I return from my Holiday!

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