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What tyres, need advice recommendations

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Hi all am looking for some new tyres now as mine are knakred

Am looking about the 35 12.5 x 15 kind of size but am not really sure what to get

I do quite a few muddy roots and use my truck as a work horse in these conditions but also do a little but if rock crawling and some road use.

I like the sound and look of the kumho kl71s but these seem impossible to get hold of, i also looked at the maxxis creepy crawlers but also hard to get and apparently wear very quick, does any one have a favourite tyre to recommend,

I currently have insa turbos on but they are unbalanceable so would like some non remoulds although they have lasted almost 60,000 miles over 2.5 years :)

Thanks tom

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I used to have the KL71s, they were great tyres, especially good on rocks and suprisingly good on the road.

I'm now using Cooper STTs, very pleased with them so far, they handle well on and off road and balance easily just like the khumos.

It's worth bearing in mind that the KL71s only have a 1or2 ply sidewall which could make them susceptible to damage from rocks, the coopers have some amor-tek thingy which apparently makes them very resiliant.


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BFG Mud Terrain.

Pros: Last a hell of a long time, you should see another 60k on them. They withstand all sorts of damage and abuse very well. Good road manners for a MT. Oh and errr they're good in the mud :)

Cons: Price.

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A couple of months ago I was looking for some KL71 but everyone was asking silly prices (well at least compared to a couple of years ago) so I looked around for something similar but cheaper and came up with some Mickey Thompson MTZ from http://www.silverlinewheels-tyres.com/4x4/wheels who I phoned and found to be very knowledgeable and helpful.

The tyres are excellent:

Although yet to be tested in really gloopy stuff they seem to be at least as good offroad as other MT tyres in use in my club (mainly Machos, but STTs and I think some BFGs too) but only tested at one trial so far though.

On road they grip better (wet or dry) than anything this aggressive has a right to - twice around a deserted wet roundabout trying to find the limit had me chickening out before the tyre...

I bought them on steels and the came well balanced with not a lot of weights so I think that they are accurately made.

They appear to have quite flexible side walls which gives a much softer ride than my old Machos and will probably help with off-road grip too.

They run cool on motorways and don't tramline in lorry ruts

They are not too noisy for MTs - certainly a lot quieter than my old Machos.

They look great.


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Impressive report Threesheds, considering such an aggressive thread on them!


It's meant to be! I really can't fault them, but perhaps I should justify those statements a little more...

On the grip comments: I commute daily: My RRC is currently my only vehicle and I do about 16 miles round trip in Leeds every day. When I used to occasionally do this trip on the Machos I would spend the whole journey thinking/worrying about tyre grip (or lack thereof ! ). Now I can relax and drive relatively normally (within limits imposed by the height of the CoG and the crude suspension). Downside is that my fuel consumption has gone up because #I am driving faster! When I said about the grip on a wet roundabout I perhaps should point out that I am not meaning that I can take Porsches on the outside, just that it is way beyond what you would expect from this kind of tyre ;) They are not only WAY better than my old Machos, they are also way better than my old Kumho ATs too. The Machos and, to a lesser degree the Kumho ATs, used to slide at such low speeds that it wasn't even scary - I had plenty of time to catch them. With these tyres they were not even drifting when we got to a speed at which I thought 'if they let go I might have trouble catching them' so I backed off.

On the motorway comments: I have recently covered a couple of hundred miles (each way) of motorway at 60-65mph on these tyres and was able to listen to the radio whereas on my old Machos I would have been wearing ear-plugs! Each time I stop on a long trip I am in the habit of checking the tyres and hubs for temperature - these tyres run a lot cooler than my old ATs and indeed are probably cooler than normal road tyres.

Hope this helps...


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