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Swaying all over ?


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Jumped in the Disco tonight to call at a friends and ended up having to turn back home due to the back end feeling like it was swaying all over the road ?? Basically I drove over a couple of speed bumps going down the street and then when I went to turn right the Disco was all over the place.I stopped straight away and got out to check to see if I had a puncture but I didnt, but could have sworn thats what if felt like ? I nursed it home and then tried it again on a farm track near the house and its all over the place.I will have to have a good look at it in the morning as it was too dark when it happened.Any ideas what it could be as it honestly felt like the back axle was loose ? Thanks for any replys.

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Yes they were OEM ones that were fitted. Sorry no pics the local scrap men took them out the garden. It had broke off at the base ( t piece ).With it swaying about getting it home the seal at the front of axle is leaking now ( were prop bolts into ) :angry2: So thats another job that needs doing.

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That was a very serious problem and you were wise to drive it so cautiously home and test it off the roads. Glad you fixed it.

With regard to the diff pinion seal, buy genuine Angus seals, not pattern, and look closely at the seal land on the pinion flange - if it's grooved or pitted, the new seal won't work. Before you strip the flange off, though, give the prop shaft a hard tug in all directions radially (up and down, left and right, etc) - leaking pinion seals often signify worn pinion bearings and radial movement of the pinion within the housing. I have this issue on my RRC and Lightweight, and both subsequently need diff rebuilds..

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