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Salisbury Rear Axle into TD5 Chassis

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A friend is in the middle of rebuilding his 110 300Tdi onto a 90 TD5 chassis, don't ask why :-) .

He is trying to fit his original Salisbury rear axle from the 110 into the TD5 chassis but the spring plates on the axle seem to be further apart, meaning they don't line up with the top mount on the chassis for the springs.

Can he simply cut the spring plate mounts off the axle and re-weld in the correct position or is he likely to hit upon other issues as well?

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because 110 rear springs are a bigger diameter than 90 rear springs, the rear prop will need modiifying to make it fit, hope he tells DVLA & Insurance co about the wheelbase/chassis change, a VIC check or IVA will probably be requested as the 110 is no longer the original chassis.

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Many thanks - I thought that may be the case. I'm sure he is aware of the DVLA issue, but I'll mention it to him anyway. He hasn't fitted the front axle yet, is he likely to hit problems here too? Whilst I have worked on a lot of 90's, I've never worked on a 110 before.

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Front axle with the wider radius arms will be a straight fit,

As I haven't done a change like this I'm not sure if the lower spring mountings on the axle need moving, but the circular seats will need changing to the 90 rear spring version

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Thanks for that info on the prop I'll pass that on. Don't know why he doesn't just fit a TD5 rear axle especially as Ive offered him a good deal on one that Ive already powder coated and rebuilt. Each to their own I suppose.

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Sailsburys are abit of cheap strength.

until the diff pinion bearing goes, then it becomes a useless bit of cheap strength and aheavy bit to boot... i've still got mine in the garage, i can't even give it away... :)

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You can use a front prop of a TD5 disco for the rear prop... I had a salisbury on my 90 (not my doing) but I changed it out for a disco rear, the salisbury was giving me too many headaches.

Oh I put TD5 Disco - I actually meant TD5 Defender - i think they're probably the same anyways - its the front wide angle version you want.

I'm still running the front wide angle prop on the rear now with a standard disc rear axle, just with a 30mm spacer at the diff pinion side - extended bolts purchased locally, (not a permanent fix, but it seems to be working ok at the moment)

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19 inches from a 110 prop or 2 from a 90 rear prop.

I have a standard prop that fits a 90 with sails but no idea where it's from.


I tried to collate a list of props and part numbers and lengths... it was a bit of a nightmare and didn't work so well... you can't buy land rover props on length, unless its a special from Gwyn lewis et al. - so you need a part number... which you haven't got as you don't know the working length of all land rover props... chicken or the egg syndrome.

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