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Cheap DIY Extractor unit


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I had to clean up a surface rusted chassis with an angle grinder and cup brush recently, a very unpleasant job due to the huge cloud of rusty muddy dust expelled, and got pretty dangerous too as my goggles got dirty very quickly, dust mask was quickly overcome and it was difficult to see what was going on.

Had a quick look round the workshop and found an old Mondeo twin electric fan left over from a project that never happened, and after sticking it to some old bits of angle iron and putting a couple of crocodile clips on the ends of the cable came up with this... I've made it so it can lie on it's side to drag air out from under a car or stand vertical for doing sanding jobs etc.

Clip it to an old leisure battery, and the extraction power is pretty impressive - it easily keeps clear air under the car while attacking a rusty chassis with a grinder and did a pretty good job of getting the mist out of the workshop when I sprayed a car recently - it wasn't near my spray area but a box behind the fan was completely painted by the mist being shot through the fan :)


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