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4.6 Still Not Running Right


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Haven't had chance to touch the 110 for a while but I wan't to get it running right.

Sorry about the crappy image but it's a shot of my dash taken from a camera phone:


Does the "Spark Advance" look as you would expect for the given conditions?

I can't compare it to my CCV as it doesn't have a touch screen :hysterical: & my laptop is buggered.



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If the trigger wheel is not set at the correct teeth re TDC on VR sensor and "Trim" is added into the ECU then the display will not show the "Real"


To check goto spark settings trim = 0 is spot on there is a range of +/- you can dial in to correct the trigger wheel being set wrong either way



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To translate Nige's post into english - the advance figure you see includes the "trim" angle, so you need to take the trim value off it for the real timing.

You can probably do it with some configuration jiggery pokery in MegaTune if you can be bothered.

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I had to do this on mine, I installed the trigger wheel 5 teeth off TDC spot on by eye whilst laid on my back under the car with water from the rad hose dripping in my face but when it was checked timing light vs tuner studio dashboard the timing light said 8 degrees when tuner studio 15 degrees. You can correct it on one of the spark setting pages but i'm not on my laptop to see which one.

If your really stuck 3 of us got a bloke who does a lot of megasquirt tuning to meet us at KORC last weekend to tune all 3 cars, he was really knowledgeable and didn't charge a lot and works all over. I can get his number and PM it to you if you like.

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