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Oil Pressure Gauge sender Take off - Arrgh Help please again !

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Arrgh !

Alternator now in process of being fitted / wired, but have another problem....

I have a Oil Pressure "Light" fed by single wire, but, on the old engine I also had

a Oil Pressure Guage, which has a Lime sized "Sender" unit Tee'd into the Oil pump

take off where the light switch sender was fitted

On the new engine there is absolutely NO way this can be fiited,

I have the Sender for the light in there, and thats it, no way to T in the sender for the guage

So, the Question is can I T the sender for the gauage in somewhere else within the oil system ?

ie the oil filter Housing - as I have aeroquip connector and can pop a joinerin there :)

....and if so does either side make a difference ??



Help !


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Yes I had the same problem, so I fitted my gauge remotely (but used the standard location for pressure switch)

Looking at rave and the block castings the order goes

Sump -> pump -> oil cooler -> filter -> pressure switch -> engine

As I use a remote filter and oil cooler off the normal oil cooler take off, so I put mine in the pipe work post oil cooler.

Mine order goes

Sump -> pump -> filter -> oil cooler -> pressure guage -> old filter bypass -> pressure switch -> engine

I seems to give OK numbers, but hard to tell how accurate it is (hence using the standard switch location as a fall back for low oil pressure even the gauge sender also has a switch function)

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