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What Crimper ?

Les Brock

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What is the correct crimper for 9.3mm un-unsulated spade terminals I cant flippin find one !!!

Please note - Hammer and blunt screwdriver/ or pliers is not the right answer :rtfm:

Getting it through work :ph34r:

any linkys to one greatfully recieved ;)

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I bought a hydraulic crimper from ebay when I relocated the battery from the engine back to the pick up bed of the series - it's probably a bit overkill for that though, it was something like this:


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What is the correct crimper for 9.3mm un-unsulated spade terminals I cant flippin find one !!!

Please note - Hammer and blunt screwdriver/ or pliers is not the right answer :rtfm:

Getting it through work :ph34r:

any linkys to one greatfully recieved ;)

For up to 6.0mm2 cable, one of these does an excellent crimp -



It's the one I'm using in my post here - http://forums.lr4x4....056#entry686080


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Thanks for that, I have mainly ratchet crimpers, but then I use them lots for work so its worth spending the cash.


I have a set of those its for the next cables sizes up I'm struggling to find one for.

One option is to fold the tabs over and use a 10/16mm ring terminal crimper to form the indent but that would be localised and not the whole length of the crimp, being in my day job having seen the result of poor crimps and the damage it can cause, im a bit @nal over things like that, so its the right tool for the job !!

Could try one and even add some solder into the equasion to see what the result is



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I've been looking for a hand crimper to do an "F" crimp on terminals on 10mm2 cable, but can't find anything suitable.

For that size of cable, all that I can find are either, hexagon or indent crimpers, which are fine for tube terminals, but no good for open-barrel terminals.

I'm still looking and, if I find anything suitable, I'll post the details here.


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