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Jan 25 2013 Protest at the Peak Park Offices

David Sparkes

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On the principle of 'Outcomes - what happened next', I thought I'd report on the events at the Peak Park offices on 25th January, where a demonstration was held against the discriminatory policies of the Authority in closing routes to one group, the motorised users.

Readers may recall that the initial recruitment call proposed creating a presence in both the Car Park and the Meeting Room, where a Letter of Protest would be handed to the Authority. The Authority was notified of this intention at the same time supporters were sought. By the time the 25th Jan arrived some organisational changes had been made, and a compromise had been negotiated.
The Authority would no longer be discussing the imposition of a TRO on Chapel Gate (following the quashing of the Experimental TRO by the High Court). With the BBC and other press recording events, we would still have a significant presence in the Car Park, people from both the Authority and the protesters would be interviewed, and the Protest letter handed over in Public. The protesters would not be present in the Meeting Room.

Thus everyone got publicity, while the Authority could carry on its day to day business without interruption.
In the background, the Authority had facilitated rather than fought the event. They closed off a small section of the Car Park for essential visitors, accessible via a gated back entrance, and had cleared snow to create additional parking. They had their Property Services staff in the Car Park to deal with any problem that might arise, such as any Emergency Service access that might be required. (I had an interesting chat about the problems caused by radioactive Radon gas in their offices). Members of the Authorities RoW team, as well as the Executive Officer, were out and about, chatting to protesters.
There was one Police Constable on duty there. He has specific responsibility for Green Lane matters, and his remit for this appears to cover all of the Peak District, a considerably wider area than normally allocated to a PC in Derbyshire.

Considered from all sides, it was a successful event.
BBC News shows our banner nicely.
Matlock Mercury, Green Lanes for all!

The most significant recording, although I haven't seen it, was on a BBC1 TV programme, North West Tonight, broadcast at 6:30pm on the 25th. A regional programme, it is not available to me via BBC iPlayer. A colleague has seen it, and recorded it, via his SKY account. If anyone knows how to 'record' a copy of this slot (about 10 minutes into the broadcast) we would very much appreciate seeing a video copy, so we can evaluate and improve our performance.

Thankyou if you can support us by helping in this regard.

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I am pleased that it went well and that there was a seeming altering of positioning towards the 4x4 fraternity, I also hoped the Ellbarto videos raised the point that permissible green lanes accounted for less than 1% of paths and bridle tracks in that area.

Top marks for your efforts, Shame I am more than 800kms away or it would have been a good day out.

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It just took time to become available!!

The main BBC TV recording at the event was for BBC1 TV, North West Tonight, broadcast at 6:30 pm on Friday.
It is now available from BBC iPlayer http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b01q435p/?t=9m21s (This link will expire after 1 week).
The link takes you to the start of the piece, which lasts for 2 minutes.
It includes some head cam and car cam footage, thanks to those who supplied that footage.

For the record, the main concern when organising these events is that emotions will run a bit too high and 'we' will come across as hooligans, so it's always a relief to see measured behaviour and reporting.


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