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How much is a brand new diff worth?


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I picked up my 90 yesterday (great to be back on high) and one of the spares it came with is a brand new dif, still in it's LR box. Rimmers are quoting silly money for a factory reconditioned unit so I'm ignoring them. All the same a diff in it's LR crate that has never turned a wheel must be desirable. What do you all think?

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I recently went and got myself a pair of 4 pin diffs from crown diffs up near Nottingham and they cost me £810.00 inc delivery, These were completely reconditioned and looked brand new when they arrived, they've been spot on-no moans and groans from that part of my drive train anymore.


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So do you think the reconditioned price is about the right level? I don't want to rip anyone off but nor can I afford to give it away.

The price of the diffs I have(singularly) are £390 each, (thats what Paddocks were advertising on their siteWhere I was originally going to get my 4 pin diffs from), It make's me almost think that that were getting they're 4 pin 24 spline diffs from the same place as I did- actually get them from, but advertised as "be brand new diffs", Personally as It stands the standard of the two diffs I have are as good as new, If I Have any problems with either of them in the next 12 months I'll be getting hold of Steve at Crown diffs and having a chat with him.


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I think this whole 'they break', 'they're rubbish', 'no-one wants them' thing needs putting into context.

If you compete off road, run huge tyres, or continually drive like an animal, then yes they do break.

But there are many LR owners that do not off road, don't have massive tyres, and just drive normally, and they may happen to have a worn out diff that has given good service through its lengthy life. These people will happily buy a 2-pin diff, as they likely just want a replacement unit of the same spec that was fitted originally.

I run 33" tyres and drive enthusiastically, but don't compete off road. I have 2-pin diffs in both axles, one of which failed last year, through wear rather than abuse.

I replaced with a 2nd hand unit I had lying about. It won't last forever, as it was pre-worn to some degree, but it'll do for a while.

If I had had to buy one, my options would have been £40-50 for a used one, or stump up for one of Nige's fancy ones. If you had been selling at the time I might have gone to £150 for a brand spanking new unit, but would have baulked at paying any more, in favour of cheap 2nd hand.

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Thanks. I've put it on eBay at £180 with a view to excepting your valuation on a best offer. Mickeyw, your reasoning is the same as mine, I destroyed a diff when the pan dumped it's oil on the A30 (I didn't realise until there was a massive bang) I had no need for a stronger unit so just bought another standard one from a breakers.

Turns out the diff in question is 4.7:1 so a series unit. Don't really know if that increases or decreases it's value.

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