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Propshaft bearings - hammer or press ?


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Hi everyone.

The ongoing saga continues with my VCU / Diff / propshaft bearings. So now, just needs the bearings replaced, - then "Job Done"! !

I've now located some genuine GKN propshaft bearings for about £37.00 each (£80.00 from Land Rover).

Now, do I take it to my usual mechanic, who hasn't got a bearing press, and who will hammer them on, but - won't charge me very much ..... or ....

Do I take the vehicle to a Land Rover specialist who have a proper bearing press, and will charge me loads ?

Is it OK to 'tap' them on with a hammer ? How delicate could they be ? Anyone else done this ?

Cheers for any help. ................................... Matt.

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VCU bearings would be hard to press on in a vice due to the length of the VCU - and you shouldn't be applying force along the length of the VCU as it has its own bearing between the two halves that the RAVE manual says not to b&&er up!

A press is a much nicer way of putting them on, but if you're careful & use an appropriate bit of tube to drift them on without stressing the VCU's internal bearing, you should be OK.

I've hammered/drifted all mine on and they seem OK - just the off-roading that kills them!

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