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Now so much worse than backlash...

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Well my gearbox must of heard about my recent thread and has now went on protest, it now feels as though the clutch is going as trying to get into reverse just gives a massive grinding noise and takes a fair push to get in, first and second are nigh on impossible to get in without much shouting and pushing, feels as though the stick is just butting up against something solid and won't move, 3rd and 4th will only go in if the revs are timed absolutely perfectly. The grinding only happens when trying to get reverse though?

Also I'm suspecting the clutch more as the pedals bite is now really low and in the first bit of movement when letting the pedal come back back up,



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Thanks for the suggestions, I'm going to have a proper route around tomorrow in the light, tonight was the first time I've tried to move it since I posted the other thread so I haven't a hads chance to examine in the daytime but at least I now have some places to start.



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Your problem does sound more clutch related here. If it's dragging not fully disengaging then you will get real crunch as the reverse lay gear is pushed into mesh with the second motion shaft which will be rotating, you will get less noise from the synchro gears unless you're brutal, and matching road speed to engine revs will let you overcome the problem if you concentrate in the short term, eventually starting off will kill it.

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If you replace the master cylinder then do yourself a huge favour and replace the slave cylinder at the same time(Or vice-versa), The reason I say this is because when one is on it's way out then the other is sure to follow-so to save time and aggro it's better to change the two together



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Friction plate wear is very dependent on how much you slip the clutch, road use and smooth gear changes will maximise this, towing heavy loads may reduce this. Never changed plate on mine in C80,000miles, slave cylinder did go once though.

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Speaking to a clutch specialist a few years ago, about replacing mine, he commented that mine was early at 100k miles, he normally sees them at about 115k miles for replacement.

Obviously the above comment is based on an average, there will always be exceptions.

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