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My Landrover Discovery bonnet and a bit on the right wing was gouged by a horse's teeth...believe it or not. The places it is down to the metal and I have been quoted £500 to fill, prime and completely respray and replace the Landrover lettering too! I think this is reasonable but other half thinks I am being ripped off! Any advice guys? Xx

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I wouuldn't worry personally, my horses do that kind of stuff regularly as well as kicking the sides too, the old Peugeot partner got the back window kicked in by a high spirited yearling stallion, I just think it adds to the "patina" :ph34r:.

Other wise, yes that is about right pricewiseto be honest, there is a lot more topanel work than people tend to think and hence the idea that it is just a £5.99 rattle can out of halfords and job done, far from it!!!

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