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Replacement cylinder head

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Just found out my head was leaking oil around cylinder head gasket.

To save time decided to buy another head and dropped on one already skimmed and has valves already set up in it.

Reading up it suggests fitting a 3 hole gasket problem solved.

Then I got around to thinking about my existing head what to do with it!

Being a hoarder who hates throwing things away I had 2 options either sell it as is and recoup some of the cost of the replacement or get it skimmed and keep it as a spare.

Then I decided to check the original gasket and noticed its got 2 holes.

I assume that the original would have been a 1 hole and therfore its already been skimmed once ?

Just for interest anyone know if this is a correct assumption.

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Well I learn something new every day.

I new gasket thickness was related to the piston clearance above the block but thought wrongly that it was okay to put a thicker gasket in when head was skimmed.

I haven't altered the engine block set up so I should be using a 2 hole gasket.

Not got a magnetic dti and got enough expense at the moment so got to assume right or wrong that 2 holes is correct.

I can see the logic for not fitting a thinner gasket pistons will hit the head, but whats the impact of fitting a thicker gasket. I don't intend to ignore the advice and will fit the 2 hole version. Just wanted to know for my own curiosity why ?

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All you have done by fitting a three hole gasket is marginally reduce the compression ratio I doubt you'll notice any difference. If however you had gone the other way you risk the piston contacting the head. For what it's worth I would leave it alone (unless you notice a real difference) but next time you have it apart I would do the measurement and fit the gasket applicable.


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Fortunately I have not gone ahead and done it so have the opportunity to fit a 2 hole.

However does make me wonder for a small drop in compression would it be worth fitting a 3 hole !

Particularly if as you say I wouldn't even notice it. Is it better to err on caution ?

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