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wonky speedo

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Hello out there.

My speedo is acting weird needle bouncing all over the place. A new gauge is expensive.

Big SO, is there any other options like using another gauge from something eles or maybe a gps type.

I'm using the sat nav at the minute.

I suppose I'll have to start saving. I had hoped to do a 200tdi cconversion as a next on the list to do.

O well

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If the speedo is actually on it's way out there are a few people on the forum who are upgrading their speedos to the TD5 type at the moment and may be willing to sell you their old ones, failing that you could do the TD5 speedo upgrade (with a second hand speedo head) although that can be a bit more expensive but still cheaper than a new clockwork speedo.

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Seen the threads good info for me.

Not fussed on the td5 conversion right now, maybe later?

The first thing I changed was the cable thinking easy fix but when I took the old one off it was ok. Stuck the new one anyway.

I think I will have to crawl under it on Sat.

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The other thing it could be is a partly striped Speedo drive it the transfer box.

An easy way the check the Speedo it's self is put an oval nail that fits the square drive in the back of the Speedo into a battery drill. Insert it into the square drive and spin it up at a set speed if it still bounces the Speedo is shot it not the problem Is else where.


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