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Fuel boost pin

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Just been trawling through Ebay as its Sunday and I was bored. Suddenly I came across a "fuel boost pin".

Never heard of one of these before, there again my knowledge with respect to TDI engines is limited so that's no surprise.

It's claimed that you can get improved MPG and an increase of 15BHP by fitting one of these for a cost of around £30.

It does say some later 300TDI models need to be electronically tuned so wont work, not sure if this applies to mine need to have a look. Apparently if it's a 4 screw square face on the pump you can use the pin.

Does anyone have experience of these ? and if so, is it a worth while mod for the price ?

Quotes a 15BHP increase, fair enough but that could just make up for the loss in BHP due to age of the engine anyway. It mentions improved fuel economy too but doesn't say how much !

Is it just one of these gimmicks that makes you think your actually accelerating faster and your fuel gauge is moving down slower, but in point of fact not a lots changed ? and your money would have been better spent on redex to clean out your injectors etc

Would appreciate some feedback

Regards Ian

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Really interesting thread specially the PDF link on how to tune a 300TDI.

However, I am a firm believer in if its not broken don't tweak it. So as my Defender is running sweetly at present, with just a puff of smoke at initial start up, I will leave it that way and give the fuel pump a wide birth in particular fuel boost adjustments.

Thanks anyway guys for the the links, was an interesting read and passed so time and expanded my knowledge.

Regards Ian

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