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Very tight, very scratchy but lots of fun!


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A bit longer than usual this film but well worth it.

I went out with a local fella and a GLASS rep on a day covering the Shropshire/Herefordshire border area. A great combination of lanes but a brilliant little group that ran through tight scratchy valleys with axle twists, big leans and some fun water crossings.

I get bombarded with requests for lane info so just for something a bit different I’ve also included some basic lane info in the video description. Just enough I think for someone who can read a map to go and find them.


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Auvergne - the very hearth of France. 200 miles South of Paris - or 8 hrs. motorway from Calais..

It is getting more and more difficult to Greenlane legally as loads of abuse happens and the French reply is simply to close by order the lanes.

But we have plenty left for the moment.

Enjoy while they last but be very careful - cars are simply crushed if caught.

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Sorry. A bit of an Urban Myth.

We spent a lot of time making sure we're legal..

But you're most welcome for some Laning here. Usu. we do about 6-7 hrs a day off Tarmac.

We have "The Mother Of All Greenlaning Trips" where we do a 1,600 miles one-way trip from us to Portugal. 4 Weeks of solid Laning... Not for the faint hearted I must say... Also. we're a lot in the Alps. Lybia is at a hold. Don't think I'll be going there soon...

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