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Posts posted by simonpelly

  1. Hi Folks.,

    Put the engine back in and fired it up this evening - Defender 110 300tdi. All good. However,

    When the engine is running, it is not possible to put into gear. Trying into 1st (but not engaging) causes a slight movement forward.

    When the engine is not running, it is possible to put into gear. Starting the engine causes it to lurch.

    Seems to me that the clutch is stuck. Wondering if it got damaged when connecting engine back to the gearbox.

    Thoughts on next steps of triage? Separating out to take a look is the obvious one but would rather consider other options first.



  2. HI Folks,

    Finished fitting a new timing belt to our Defender 110 300 Tdi

    Since the EGR has been removed, got me thinking about the exact timing of the FIP.

    WSM states as below.

    Injection timing............................................................... 1,54 mm lift at T.D.C.
    Injection timing with electronic EGR ............................ 1,40 mm lift at T.D.C.

    Does this mean that since the EGR has been removed, timing should now be adjusted to 1.54mm or not? Or is the pump different to non-EGR and should be left at 1.40mm

    Would be interested in your thoughts.



  3. Hi Folks,

    Planning on replacing the front cranks seals on our 300 Tdi.

    That's both the inner crank and outer crank (front cover) as well as the front cam shaft seal.

    Workshop manual states a list of specialist seal pushers.

    Wondering how and what other folk have undertaken to fit these seals in the absence of these specialist LR tools. The seals are quite large and "normal" seal pushing kits/tools do not seem to fit the requirements.



  4. Hi Folks,

    In the process of replacing the rear crank seal on our 300 Tdi

    Looks like the original seal - the one with a separate gasket.

    The gasket mostly come off but a stubborn trace of it remains on the block.

    Any tips for how best to proceed? Plastic scraper is not getting in there enough and I'm hesitate to use a metal blade.



  5. Hi Folks,

    Looking to get the throttle cable adjusted correctly on our 110 300 Tdi.

    From the WSM:

    1. Slacken throttle cable adjustment ferrule.
    2. Hold throttle lever in fully closed position.
    3. Adjust outer cable, by rotating ferrule, to give 1,57 mm (1/16 in) of deflection in the inner cable.
    4. Check that throttle opens fully when the throttle is depressed.

    On step 3, is this deflection referring to that laterally along the length of the cable, i.e. the small amount of slack before the throttle on the FIP moves? As opposed to any side ways play in the cable which seems a fair amount to me.



  6. Hi Folks,

    The flinger on the rear of our torsional vibration damper has seen better days. Think it would be worth either replacing the flinger on the existing damper or obtaining a new damper and flinger.

    Wondering if folk could share any experiences of replacing/fitting a flinger to a torsional vibration damper.




  7. Hi Folks,

    Looking for some bright ideas in order to support the bell housing/gearbox when removing our 300 Tdi engine.

    Challenge is that we do not have much room back/forth in the garage when the door is closed. As such, there is not enough room to hoist the engine and extract forwards through the radiator space without hitting the back wall.

    Thinking that if we were able to support the bell housing/gearbox while still allowing the Defender to be pushed back and forth, we'd then be able to lift the engine, push the Defender back, get it onto an engine stand, move sideways and then push the Defender back in again to allow us to close the garage door.

    Thanks in advance,


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