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Posts posted by missingsid

  1. It's funny, they've had to spend god knows how much taking the X5 to that standard, a Disco or Defender could do it without half the money spent on it, and to a far higher standard.


    That will be why Land Rover used Bowlers for their team then?

  2. Just watching the highly amusing program.

    The star of the show Charley is doing a peice to camera about the support BMW which has broken down with a broken wishbone 150 miles away......


    unless I am losing my mind :unsure: .......

    look there it is :blink: in the campsite right in front of the camera :huh: ????

    Just in case I checked the website and they have 1 BMW X5 and 1 MAN 6x6 for support so it must be a mirage!

    Also of note is that I could see no sign of any mention of a certain orange company on the website, no logo or comment about the X5?

    The real shame is that we do not get to see the Bowlers in action.

  3. Hi Marc,

    Sorry to hear of your dramas! Nige wasn't without his own on Sunday! At the point I met up with him, it seemed to be running great, having put some Iridium plugs in, but I think it played up again after that.

    I took my 8yr old son along together with his pal and Dad who were first time offroaders. We had a great day. My friend is now keen to own one of Solihuls finest! Plenty of people getting stuck in the big holes.



    Thanks Diff, my dramas wern't bad just disapointing I didn't get to play. I can't complain really as I got to sort out my hybrid to play another day? from what I see from the other thread by Nige he still has his probs.

    Nige I hope you get to the bottom of it soon :)

    Diff, congrats on bringing more lambs to the slaughter, oops I mean the joys of Landy ownership :D

  4. From Yahoo News today

    "Television presenter Richard Hammond has got behind the wheel of a car for the first time since his horrific high-speed crash."

    Yahoo quote him as driving his Morgan out near his house after passing a fitness test.

    What a top guy, can't believe he's back driving already. :)

  5. 160 to 4, but yes its been "Hidden pending moderation". If you read the ones who have voted in support then you will see thay 2 of the supporters are actually opposed to it. So its 162 to 2 :D .


    Sorry to disapoint. this was only temporary whilst they looked at my complaint and not too supprisingly answered:

    "Further to your complaint about some of the content on a BBC community site (reference number A271647), we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site."

    apparently it's OK to word things such that opposers look guilty! :angry:

  6. I complained to the BBC Network that the article was innaccurate and that the claims made in it unfounded.

    This is their reply



    I too have lodged complaint (doubt any change tho).

    The choice of the title "Responsible use of Byways Campagn" ensures that anyone who opposes the campaign is seen to be supporting the irresponsible use of BOATs!!!!

    Must be a future Blair :angry::angry:

  7. I'm not going to vote because of my loyalty to Land Rovers, but... I work for the a large environmental body. I've seen some of the mess and had to deal with the damage that vehicles straying from byways does. Police cannot provide the resources to prevent these problems, so the only way of preventing further damage is accommodate for the lowest common denominator, which means to ban everyone who is a threat. Put up bollards and prevent access to all vehicles.

    We are currently spending a fortune negotiating access through farm tracks / droves that all have paddlocks on, to limit fly tipping and offroader damage.

    Sadly, this is the modern policing style since it is more economic. How can you economically single out those that respect the environment to those that don't? You can't. So rule out everyone, then anyone found in the area can be prosocuted. Exactly the same happened with hand guns a decade ago.

    Saying that, I still enjoy a trundle down the odd lane, as long as I don't scratch my paintwork. :D

    I used to enjoy a days Practical Pistol once!


    Some years ago Wokinghan District Council cleaned up a lane with hardcore on oneside for walkers and left the otherside for green laning. The lane was between a timber yard and the wood they cut. Within a week a mysterious vehicle had driven halfway down the lane then made a 3 point turn making it inpassable again.

    Strangely it had tractor wheels and a back hoe which took out all the new posts marking the lane. The damage was not to acces the timber, just to ruin the lane and blame 4x4 use! :angry:

    1 more NO added

  8. Diif, and missingsid

    come say hi if you see me

    Grey (Primer) 90 HCG678

    hopefully running without misfire ? :huh:


    Things didn't go quite to plan, needed Friday off work to finish my hybrid WUD on time but had to go to work in the morning, 50 miles each way to meet a customer who no showed! :angry: Result was, a perfectly running motor :D on Sunday afternoon an hour before dark! <_<

    Really wanted to meet you all.

    How was the drive round? importantly hows the motor running, did it run well?


  9. Marshalling & Recovery at DRD AWDC Broxhead :D

    Seeing if the F misfire has gone or is just hiding :huh:

    Screaming if it reappears :lol:



    Finish putting the motor back together after changing the timing chain in WUD ny hybrid.


    If all went well then down to Broxhead to play :):D but could be :( if Ican't get the water pump pulley sorted tomorrow!

    Hope to see if I can find you down there.

  10. I used to marshal comp events on a regular basis for the AWDC including the British championship and Hill Rallies, mostly it was enjoyable and fun. If you get a challenging off road course (Sidbury is too dry and flat except the hill for me personaly) then you will be busy and get some good off roading at the end.

    The only downside I felt, it can get a bit quiet out there plus when it’s lunch time the racers all get to eat hot food whilst you stay out and eat sandwiches (if you remember to bring them) then as soon as a racer has finnished racing they just p*#s off home.

    I know this sounds like sour grapes but it seems to me that if you want more marshals then you need to make it more attractive, it does tend to be a thankless task and getting abused by a racer who does not want to use his own safety equipment doesn’t make it any better!

    The best fun apart from towing a racer up a hill (I can get up here towing you but your unable to drive up by youself) was as said earlier in the thread, pulling up the bunting and driving around the course at the end. I guess that’s why I like comps where the course is a twisty, hilly and woody site. :D

  11. I used to run 34" simex jungles on my 90 and they did 2 years worth of challenges and quite a bit of road mileage.They were fantastic tyres and were fitted on deep modulars.Never had one of the rim even at 10psi with no tubes or bead locks.Have seen 100mph on them too but i wasnt an experience i would like to repeat any time soon :o .

    I am now running 36"simex extremes on beadlocks which are brill but on rock i think the jungles were just as good

    Paul :D

    I quite fancy these as a replacement to SATs - 75.0 16 M/P Trekker trouble is no one seems to stock them?


  12. Always wondered, what happens if you decide to take a motor off the road permemantly i.e. use it as a trialer so you do not need to SORN every year? Do you need to prove that it does not exist? Whats the differrence of my moter on my drive no SORN, TAX or insurance and on my drive as a a purely off road vehicle only?

    If I say it's been scrapped and they see it then am I am guilty of some new Traffic charge?

  13. I think the jinx has rubbed off on me. I blew a tyre on the trailer on the way home and had to change it on the hard shoulder in torrential rain. :angry::angry::angry:

    I didn't even get to the motorway when I left home!

    The timing slipped on the V8 for a second time and is now accompanied by a horrible noise from the timing chest.

    Typical could not happen in summer so I could work on it evenings and weekends outside. :(

  14. Hands up anyone that wants to move to Oz?

    Or any other country that has hills, unmade roads and does not penalise ppl for living!!

    Me! Me! Me!

    Funny you should say that, my girlfreinds got a chance to relocate to Oz, I am just deciding whether it's worth a wedding!

    It's getting much more likely :unsure:

  15. And finally the prototype set has come!

    Now fitted to the Cube,waiting for the weekend to test them out in the field!

    Here they are (don't mind the silly colour,unless your name is Trevor and own a certain 90 soft top :D )


    If this has been asked before, sorry.

    Looking at the clamping ring it looks like it comes apart at a join? does this mean that it can be reduced in diameter to make it easy to locate it inside the tyre?

  16. Good morning Chaps,

    Would any of you have a clue what variant of white is used on the roofs of series Landrovers?

    I'm respraying my 90 deep bronze green & would like the roof white, the white I like is more of a cream colour.

    Thanks in advance


    Limestone might be the one you want as is my Series 1 here.

    Oops it's a bit too muddy to see!

  17. My off roader is fully road legal but not the most convenient vehicle for weekend trips.

    Haven't space for a trailer so maybe an A frame would be the answer.

    Has anybody fabricated one?

    I know nothing about the legalities, however I do know that the guys with those huge American campervan/ Winnebago jobs often use an A frame to tow a small car when then go away.

    So I guess you need to dress up as a camper, ooh er ;) and ask one how they do it.

    Hope this helps.

  18. what a great debate this sva lark is.

    can't see a poblem fitting a different body to a chassis cause landrover do it all the time!

    cutting bits off the end can't make that much difference as the vehicle is recorded via it's wheel base.

    would they know that you had to "alter" the chassis ie new outriggers,to fit a s3 body to it?

    are you trying to avoid paying road tax? this is what i believe there trying to stop personally.

    tomcat mans got the right way round things.

    So what happens when you have a rotten outrigger or cross member?

    This is a repair but will look the same as a mod!

    I understand the need to control bodges and unsafe motors.

    What gets me is that as LR have bloody great axles we get hammered when an independent suspension car doesn’t. every rally car built from a production chassis/body has a re-welded chassis, different axles different gearbox and probably a different engine. Is this why a lot of current rally cars apear to be French registered?

    Every newly chopped bike or true Hot Rod should be on a Q plate but I haven’t seen one yet except my mates which was ringed!

    This subject always gets my goat. :angry:

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