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Posts posted by missingsid

  1. We live in a society where if it is on TV and in the paper then it is true! If is anti the media version then it must be fabrication annd lies.

    Where has the intelligent questioning gone?

    The main reason that I don't believe them is that the first Global Warning story quoted that the early signs of GW would take 10 years or so to appear.

    10 years is far too long for the media to wait for a good story, especially one that has no end. So some 2-3 years later the media start to blame anything on GW!

    Now we have the situation that not even facts stand up to the lies!

    Rant over and back OT

    How was this aa success when it was toturn off lights during the longest day which does not get dark until 22:00 which happened to be when it ended :D

  2. In the 70-90s not sure wwhich decade IIRC London office blocks did not have light switches aas it was more expensive to turn a striplight back on than keep it on 24-7. Or is this bull?

    If the cost is relative to the energy used then it would be that it is better to leave them on?

    I particularly like the coment about the "organisers" as if they were anominous. This will have nothing to do with the fact that this a BBC article and the "orginiser" was Capitol Radio :D

  3. Still begs the question,, if the UK only produces 2% of the CO2 then why are we paying the price of reducing it? :angry:

    Then agian Speeding has less than 2% of the RTA deaths yet that gets all the attention. :angry:

    Can't help feeling like this is a rip off Government :ph34r:

    Back on topic, morning news cartoon show? had a nonconformist scientist on who presented that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas as it premotes plant growth which produces oxygen. Also that the established scientists are government backed for increasing tax.

    The cartoon presenter (sorry news show presenter) ridicled the scientist and ignored his statements. The whole thing looked like a set up to prove that the media is right and that people who don't agree are evil criminals that will destroy the planet. :angry:

  4. don't know about the tyre bit, but your motor looks really cool.

    are those half top doors - with the push button handles.. ?????

    They look like wind up window doors with the tops cut off.

    Look at the capping as it is not the same shape as LR capping?

    Does look nice and as an owner of a Series 1 and a 88/90 RRC Hybred with wind up windows I like the idea :)

  5. The Nas has the alternator on the offside so that is RH looking from front or on my LH when I am driving looking forwards and I am sitting on the opposite side to most in the UK.

    Do you still want pictures and dimensions? Or confused! :D

    IIRC Nearside is relating to the kerb side not the driver? :unsure:

    Me now confused.

  6. I use Themo Tec on my Hybred manifolds, the difference was very noticable.

    Mainly the need to retune the carbs and change the air filter as the retained heat changes the exhuast gas performance.

    Before using the wrap it did not need any chages but the engine bay heat has high.

    One of the pipes just touches the chassis during use and the tape has worn through but it is still tight and not unwrapping.

  7. Here are the pics of mine with 1 8 spoke and 3 RRC Steel wheels which gives a good comparision.

    The eyebrows are not LR but the body line shows where the wheels are in comparision.

    RR Classic Steel wheel ans 7.50 SAT


    8 Spoke and 7.50 Xtra Grip copy


    RR Classic Steel wheel ans 7.50 SAT


    Hope this helps.

  8. With Series II body, 7.50x16 and RRC steel wheels they are actualy just OK but with 8 spokes the offset is alot more and they need eyebrows.

    Trouble is RRC steel wheels and 7.50s catch the hockey sticks so you really need the offset.

    Series I will be worse for wheels sticking out due to the narrower body.

    Actually I have both RRC steel and an 8 spoke on mine at the moment due to a flat. I can get a pic tonight of both.

  9. Slightly OT

    Many moons ago myself and friends went to France to marshall the first Europa Truck Trial.

    before the Trucks the light vehicles used the sections in the Euro Trial Championship.

    Sorry I will get to the point soon :D

    One of the motors was a really nice open back Merc G Wagon V8, looked great, sounded soooo nice and preaty much won the event IIRC.

    Anyway when it was parked we went to drool over it, and as you do one of us tapped the roll cage.

    It sounded like the whole thing was made of exhaust pipe tube :o

    No wonder it flew up the steep hills.

  10. I've been watching the old "4x4 is born" over the weekend.

    Mark had huge problemms Tiginng the tub and suggested contaminated ali.

    Is LR alli stilll Birmabright or is it normal ali now?

    I recall a magazine article on ali soldering and they recond it was easier on a LR tub due to the Birmabright alloy?

    PS where can I find a college teaching welding at a low price?

    Reading seems to have stopped just as I can afford to go back to try TIG!

    PPS 5 weeks to be able to do that, how many days a week cos I'm impressed!

  11. What is a tyre specialist??

    All I can find is a 19 year old in a Franchise that has never seen an innertube let alone fitted one.

    I've been back three times with a nipped innertube in three tyres, they last on road until you go off road. This I guess pulls the innertube out of the pinch it was in and slowly deflates.

    I blame it on dads not teaching kids to change bicycle tubes. :D

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