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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. It cant be Kris's coz he doesn't own a winch sail! I Wonder who's it might be I used to have some till I lent them too a "mate"!
  2. Can you be sure you aint gona regret saying that? Well done guys, Looks like a good event i missed!
  3. Where did ya finish then Girls?
  4. IMHO ARB is the only way forward. If you dont go ARB the first slippy side slope you get on or the first time you want to turn up a slippy climb you will wish you had as the auto lockers or limited slip units will cause all sorts of problems but with ARB its just a flick of a switch and your back to open diff's. Also ive seen mates having a real bad time trying to turn in mud on auto locking units. Shaft wise im running ashcroft 24 rear and 24/23 and uprated C.V's up front. After 9 brocken shafts and a brocken C.V in just a few months I decided it was worth while. If people tell you that they only break if you abuse them dont listen. I dont drive "throttle happy" I try and use just the amount needed but if you are going to drive the terrain that you need a locker for then you will find time's where you have to get a bit more aggressive which is when the shafts will let you down. If you drive terrain that doesn't require the odd bit of "hard driving" then you probably dont need a locker!
  5. Thats just a short piece of road between mine and Marks (Orgasmic Farmer) Places in the Black mountains (Mid Wales) Only 5 mins from my house which was Quality. There was a good few miles of proper deep snow. Both the 90's in the pic are on 36" tyre's which should give some Idea of the depth of snow!
  6. Oh, I can assure you, you will!!!
  7. Would look like it sorry Jame's. Cant get out of work!
  8. Went out Saturday for a little play!
  9. Err's my trip to work.....................the long way round. I had been in a lot deeper earlier but it was too dark for photo's!
  10. Anyone got any ideas what the best way to go for a useful GPS system on Challenge events like the MTs or Argyll? What features shoud we be looking to get? Have access to Memory map and PDAs but really would prefer a dedicated unit. cheers Steve
  11. Na, where Lardy did it, it was almost flat!
  12. Aye! Lardy is the only driving God I know!!!! It must take a special kind of driver to roll a landrover where he did at James's event last year. I dont know many people who could do that. :lol:
  13. Come on Pikey, Pull ya finger out!
  14. Lardy's gimp suit with snorkel and flippers? Will you lot stop talking dirty, Im getting moist at the thought of it!!!!!!!!
  15. Russ, It looks like we aint gona make it. Sorry but we just got too much to do.
  16. Jase, Im not tellin you anything! Its Code 9!!!!!!!! Na, your bang on the money, Preperation for Muddy Truckers. Cant be a**e'd with the tent so Im reckoning on using my Bivvy bag but its a long while since ive used it! Jim, Im not sure if its the seams or all over. It may even be fine and not need treating but I wana do it just incase. Will be a bit late when im in scotland and its snowing on me to find it leaks!
  17. Anyone recomend a good way of re waterproofing Gore tex? got an item that I havn't used for years and want to treat it before using it again coz It will be too late once it raining to find out it dont work any more!
  18. Can you run with a winch rope faster than Pikey? Think I'll organise a race for you two and if you win the jobs yours!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
  19. Union? You lot? It would be more like a winch bitch version of the W.I. with coffee mornings, cake making and lots of gossip!!!!!!
  20. I think Bushy is Co driving for Pod but im sure Jason or the man himself will confirm that!
  21. He'll yes, My Bitch is Orgasmic Farmer, AKA Mark Morgan, Mr Tickles (sorry Mark, couldn't resist ) and Pikey! BTW, Previous coments about a new Bitch are only meant as a joke, He's actually very good! Could just do with running a bit more............................ :lol: :lol:
  22. Someone shoot me now, pleeeeese!!!!!!!! Does anyone know a good winch bitch? Im looking for one! :lol:
  23. Can we have mud wrestling at wellington?????? Still havn't had the mud wrestling everyone promised me!!!!!!!
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