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Steve 90

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Everything posted by Steve 90

  1. Why do ya need a clean mirror? So you tarts can check ya makeup or to see if there is anyone behind to catch you n lardy havin a cheaky cuddle?
  2. Im soooooo excited! Its like christmas when you were 5!
  3. Woooo Hooooo!!!!! Pikey, What you mean "let it snow"? We gora sleep out in that!!!!
  4. I know, I spent all yesterday checking the web site every hour or so! Its worse than waiting for results from the STD clinic, I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!
  5. Im with Jase, It does sound a bit cheesey!
  6. Andy, What does the QT one compare like size wise to the original? Untill I have sorted some Hydro steering I cant go much smaller as it's pretty heavy with bigish tyre's and lots of offset!
  7. So, weve all got our fingers crossed! Just heard a wisper that the event is now full and they will be releasing an entry list tomorrow! Dont spose anyone has heard if they have an entry yet?
  8. What we gona need, Plenty of room for a crate of beer, If you drink enough you wont worry about eating or a tent!
  9. Well im not sure if were on it yet but the entry form and cheque for both cars is in the hands of the good ol Royal Mail! Fingers crossed we get there in time.
  10. Do you have a list of people entered you can post Russ?
  11. So when I decide I can't take being sober that late in the evening any more will you drive my truck Jase so I can get on the Beer??
  12. James, If someone has a front winch and two lockers what would they have to do to satisfy you they would not be able to use the front locker so they can compete in STD +1. Would just disconnecting the airline be enough or would they have to remove a part (say the solenoid) and leave it with you for the day?
  13. To be honnest although they had some issues with my truck I can only blame myself as the items they had a problem with were the very things I read in the regulations and chose to ignore thinking they wouldn't worry about them! If you read through the reg's (which are pretty straight forward) and make sure that everything is as they want it to be (eg, Batt' isolator, second throttle return spring, some form of deflection for exhaust, Fire extiguisher as spec' etc etc) then you wont have any problem. As for the soft roof, Someone at seven sisters did have mesh strapped to his cage which they seem'd O.K. with so do that if nothing else!
  14. What would it be thats on my mind then Mark? I have no idea what you could be on about ! Any how, No provisional, we will defo' be there! We've enjoyed the past events so much I'll find a way!
  15. Poor Lardy, There's no need to cut him, just run, he'll never keep up!
  16. I hate it when people are like that! If I can help then I do, It aint the end of the world coz im sure one day I'll be glad of some help myself!
  17. Ooooo!!!!! You aint getting ya handbag out again are you Adrian! :D
  18. Thats not entirely true, I am a member but the landrover won't pass! I aint telling you what it is tho coz then they will know to check it!!!!! Na, its only the side exit exhaust they dont like but I will have to do something about that before next year coz we intend doing a few localish rounds. Their regs are a fair bit tighter than anywhere else ive been and they are much keener on checking stuff but its not really anything very difficult to sort out. Things that spring to mind (coz we failed on em before) are no side exit exhausts, 2Kg foam fire extinguisher in cab, second throttle return spring. I did have a copy of the regs somewhere but im pretty sure you can find em on the AWDC site.
  19. Reading between the line's did someone get their quad stuck?.........Chris?...............I havn't heard about this...........Please tell more!!!!!!
  20. No need for Lardy to put a tent up! We got plenty of room in the welsh team tent
  21. Somit like this! There's another tag below the bar, behind the wing so its bolted top and bottom!
  22. I started reading through this thread and kinda got bored with the same things goin round and round. In all fairness before I got bored I did notice that some people said the winch wasn't a solutuion for them but they thought it was an excellent, well produced product. This is a credit to Gigglepin if someone from another faith can look at his product and prase it. These electric v hydro threads go round and round just like the Suzuki v's landrover, bogger v's simex etc etc. Thing is it depends what works for you. I really cant fault my 8274's, I have em front and rear and as soon as the bank balance recovers from crimbo they will both be sporting Jims twin motor conversions. Not everyones preference but they work for me. Well done Jim, another excellent product. One question, I assume that they will require an albright (or other solenoid pack) per motor? Or will a single albright handle the current drawn by two motors?
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